Chapter 17

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 "I don't know," I say as Christian holds up a red ball gown, "red's not really my color."

"Ana, you could go in a paper bag and still look beautiful."

My heart flutters at his statement, but I'm not buying it. Men are always saying you look nice in something to keep you speeding along. "I like this gray dress."

And I actually do. It's a long gown that ties behind the neck. It's classy for a ball at the Grey's. I'll look like an elite like the rest of the guests who will be in attendance. The fabric is silk. I look at the price tag and nearly have a heart attack. It's two thousand and five hundred dollars. There's no way I would ever be able to afford this. Not even if I was a publisher, I would not spend that much on a dress for one night. Just not worth it.

"Let's get it," Christian observes the dress with a satisfied grin plastered across his face.

I laugh, "I can't afford this. I can barely afford to buy a pack of gum without going broke. We should go to the GoodWill or something."

"I'm buying, so I think you're okay." He takes the dress from my hands as my mouth drops to the floor.

He can't be serious. I can't let him buy me this dress; I won't let him buy me this dress. That would be fifty shades of not right. I rush after him where he's standing in the line. The woman behind the counter keeps staring at him like he's a lollipop. I glare at her briefly before sliding my way to where Christian stands. I mutter apologies to the people I cut in front of.

"Christian," I grab onto his arm, "I can't let you buy me this dress. It's expensive and it's just not right."

He looks at me with a look of defiance. "I have more money than I know what to do with. If I want to buy you a nice dress, then damnit I will. Please, let me does this, Anastasia. You're going to look breathtakingly beautiful in it."

I can't resist his eyes that are penetrating into my soul. I find myself nodding even though I hate the idea of Christian buying me a dress that's more expensive then my whole closet combined. The woman is still gazing lovingly at Christian. Feeling a need to mark my territory, I put my arms around his waist as he hands her the credit card. He looks down at me, eyebrows raised at my sudden need for his touch. I flutter my eyes at him like I see those love struck girls do in movies. Usually I think it looks stupid, but it always work. The men go crazy for that. I still don't know why, but it does.

"So, you're jealous." He states simply as we make our way to the car.

I glance over at him. "What?"

"In the store with your arms. You were totally jealous of that woman looking at me. Ana, I only have eyes for you. I want you to understand that you. Are. Mine. And only mine."

Staring into his eyes, I feel my heart stop beating. If I died right now, I would die happily just from those few words. They hold so much hope in them. Cole opens the door for me and wordlessly, I slide in with Christian in tow. A jazzy song sounds from the radio in front. The voice I would recognize anywhere. It's Frank Sinatra. I listened to him all the time while writing papers for classes. My mom used to tell me that I was a seventy year old stuck inside a twenty year old's' body. I just appreciated music that doesn't have a swear word every other sentence. Plus, Sinatra's voice is like an angel descended down from Heaven, so peaceful.

"Are you nervous for your first day at SIP tomorrow?"

I nod my head, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. Starting news jobs are always scary, but this time it's not just a summer job. This is a job that will ultimately decide my future. It's a career, not a job. My future. "I'm a little nervous."

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