Chapter 9

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My hair will not straighten. It's like my hair is fighting me not to go on this date with Christian tonight. Is this some kind of sign? Because if it is, it's a weird sign.

I spent the rest of yesterday debating whether I actually wanted to go on this date. The devil on my shoulder was jumping up and down, encouraging me to go. The angel on my shoulder was pushing me to stay clear, but it was already decided by then.

Examining myself in the mirror, I smile, satisfied with the flowy coral dress my mom dropped off this morning for me. The dress hugs my curves in the right way. It makes me look glamorous and innocent at the same time. As my mom handed it to me, she emphasized the innocence part. I couldn't be more innocent if I tried. I should be given an award for it.

Victoria calls from the living room. "Ana! Christian is here!"

Smoothing down my dress, I slip into my gold flats. Entering the living room, I take in the sight of Christian Grey. He's in his standard attire: white shirt, gray pants and a plain black tie. Do I love a man in a suit...

You're mad at him Ana. No, you are absolutely livid at the man. God, why does he have to be so attractive?

I shake my head, clearing from my thoughts. I sound shallow. "Hi." I fold my hands in front of me, still taking in the sight of him.

"You look amazing Miss Steele."

I smile a shy smile. Victoria nudges me on the way out of the living room with a wink in my direction. She whistles back to her room. I get my umbrella from the coat tree. Living up to the Seattle reputation, it is down pouring.

"You drove all this way in the rain?" I ask Christian.

"For you, Miss Steele."

I blush. "How nice, Mr. Grey. Such a thoughtful act."

He touches my back lightly, steering me towards the door. "When are you going to move closer to the inner city?"

"Soon. Ray made a down payment on a small apartment in the city. In fact, it's only a couple mile from your place. Except, of course, my apartment is the size of a shoe box compared to yours."

Christian takes the umbrella from my hands. "Ready to weather the rain?"

I laugh, "that was an awful pun."

Christian cocks his head towards me. "It wasn't supposed to be, but take it as it is I guess."

The hint of laughter dances in his eyes. It's my goal to make him laugh out loud. He seems to hold so much in. "Mr. Grey, perhaps you were cut out to be a literary professor."

"Not my style." He holds the umbrella over our heads as we dash to the car. Cole is waiting for us with the car door open. I am still in awe that Christian has his personal driver. I feel like I'm Beyonce, or Driving Miss Daisy. I might as well be wearing over sized sunglasses and a long dress coat.

"What is your style?"

Christian turns in his seat so he's facing me. He touches my cheek lightly, "so many questions that you ask."

I turn my face so it's in the palm of his hand. "There's so much to know. You know, you're a very mysterious man Mr. Grey."

He raises an eyebrow. "Same can be said of you."

The silence takes over as the rain continues to beat down against the car. Cole turns down a street illuminated by light. Since we're near a college campus, there are many bars lined along the street. He stops in front of the small cafe at the corner though. I look out at the small cafe. There's a sigh promoting live music tonight. I regard Christian with question in my eyes. I wouldn't have pegged him as the type of man who goes to coffee shops to listen to amateur musicians. Guess some things I will be learning through place and action. Perhaps some things don't have to be said through word of mouth. Simple things tell a lot about a person.

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