Chapter 13

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The next morning my stomach is in knots. Not the kind of pleasant knots you get. The unpleasant ones when all you want to do is hide in your covers for the rest of your life ignoring that the real world is finally here. I am officially an adult today. Embarking on a whirlwind of job interviews awaiting for my dream career to take me under it's wing. Today is the day that I face reality and how much it sucks. Because let's face it, it freaking sucks. Rolling over, I grab my phone to check my emails. Low and behold I have to messages both from a member of the Grey clan.

From: Mia Grey

To: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Mrs. Lincoln would like an answer...


Elena was so pissed to see her new, expensive purse trashed with mashed potatoes. Whoever would have done such an awful thing she wants to know? Of course she suspects it was you, but not to worry my friend, I cleared it up and said it was the god. We don't have a dog, so she's mighty suspicious. Anyway...Christian's birthday is this Friday. We're throwing a party and I want you to come.

Kick that interview in the ass!


From: Christian Grey

To: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Potatoes

Miss Steele,

It appears to me you value mashed potatoes.

Best of luck today,

Christian Grey

CEO of Grey Holdings and Enterprise

Smiling to myself, I reply back to Mia's email saying I will mark the even on my calendar.

From: Anastasia Steele

To: Christian Grey

Subject: Values of the potato

Ah, you caught me. I am one of values the potato. It is a very important vegetable. Would you not agree?

Thank you for good luck as I embark on this thing called life. Also, you're birthday is this Friday? Trying to keep me in the dark were you, Mr. Grey?



Finally removing myself from my bed, I smile at the email Christian sent me. I like when he's so carefree and not intense. Much like how he usually is. He's so complex. I jump at the sound of my phone alerting me that I have a new email. Getting showered can wait. I mean, who says I actually have to be cleaned for an interview?

From: Christian Grey

To: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Mashed, baked, or fried. All great potatoes.


My birthday is just another day. Not all that important to me. Mia wanted to throw a party; there was no point in trying to stop her. She can be so convincing...and annoying.

Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for that thing called a job interview? I hear they're very important if you want to make money and not live in a box.

Christian Grey

Potato Admirerer and CEO of Grey Holdings and Enterprise

From: Anastasia Steele

To: Christian Grey

Subject: Hi from my cardboard box

As you very well know, I do not habit a box. Therefore if you would stop distracting me from the job interview, I could actually get ready for it.

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