Chapter 26

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Standing in the hotel lobby of the Drake Hotel in Chicago, I wait for Hyde to get our respective room keys. The woman behind the desk blushes when she gives him our keys. He says something to her before walking over to me, holding my key to me.

"The meeting isn't for another two hours. We should do some sightseeing," Jack suggests as we make our way to the elevator.

"She's going to be sightseeing, but it sure as hell won't be with you," a familiar voice says from behind me.

Turning around, I see Christian making his way towards us. My mouth drops to the floor as does Jack's. He looks over at me like maybe I know why Christian is suddenly in Chicago. I had the impression yesterday that he would stay back in Seattle to think about us. About our future. I had hoped that he would take my suggestion, but he's always been such a stubborn man. I can't help but fight the smile now that I know he's here. I always dreamed of exploring new cities with the person I loved and having Christian here is the best gift I could have received. Jack, on the other hand, doesn't look too pleased at his sudden appearance. Christian sticks his hand out to him to shake. Jack looks at it look his hand might blow up at any second.

"What are you doing here Grey?"

Christian winks at me, turning his attention on Jack. "I just thought I could get some work done in a different city. Plus, Ana mentioned to me how much she would love to visit Chicago with me one day, so why not this weekend?"

Jack's lips are pressed together in a fine line. "You do realize that Anastasia is on a business trip and doesn't need her overprotective boyfriend with her?"

"That's why I got separate rooms," Christian states like Jack should already know this.

I regard the man warily, hoping that they won't cause a scene in the middle of the hotel lobby. It's a nice place and I doubt they would take kindly to two men brawling in the their lobby. I take notice of the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. There's a pianist in the corner of the lobby playing a classical tune. Everyone around me appears to be of high class. I don't fit in here, but I definitely don't mind playing the character of a heiress for just a weekend.

"Meet me back down here in two hours," Jack grinds down on his teeth. He heads towards the elevator without us. After the door closes on him, I direct my attention on Christian.

As much as I want to be mad at him, I just can't be. He flew all the way to Chicago to be with me. Or to make sure Jack doesn't do anything that he wouldn't like. Either way, I am lucky to have such a caring boyfriend. Although, he can be a touch overprotective. If my mom knew that, she would tell me to end things with him. Then again, my mom likes her independence.

"Surprised to see me?" Christian pulls my luggage along with his.

"Surprised and touched. But really, Christian, I want you to trust me when I say that nothing will ever happened between Jack and I. He's my boss."

He presses the button to the elevator. "I understand that, but I don't trust him. As a businessman myself, I know how people like him play. We play dirty and we always get what we want. He wants you, Anastasia."

"But I don't want him," I state. "We established this already: you're the one I want."

The elevator dings open to my floor. Christian accompanies to the door of my hotel for the weekend. Unlocking the door, my mouth drops open for the second time tonight. The room is the nicest hotel room I have ever stepped foot in. The king sized bed sits in the middle of the floor. The desk is made of cherry wood, a dream table for any writer. I set my purse down to check out the bathroom.  The bathtub is one of those nice ones you always see in expensive homes. It looks like an indoor hot tub. I return back to the main space of the room. The room looks like it could be in a luxury magazine. I am in love.

"I lied when I said I only wanted you," I flop down on the most comfortable bed I have ever laid on. "I want this room. I want to live here and be waited on hand-and-foot."

Christian lies down beside me on the bed, starring into my eyes. "I would gladly wait on you hand-and-foot."

I kiss his nose, bolting upright. "Let's go explore Chicago!"

Walking down the street, we end up at something called Millennium Park. Situated in the middle of the park is a large, metal bean. I walk over to it, dragging Christian along. Our reflections stare back at us through the bean. I squeal like a delighted six year old on Christmas morning. Next, I stare up at a large fountain fashioned like a skyscraper. A face stares back at us, spouting water. I snap some pictures to send to Victoria. She's always wanted to come to Chicago.

"You would love the Water Tower," Christian tells me as I continue observing the face fountains.

"Sounds like a water system company," I laugh lightly. A child next to me points at the fountain while screaming to his mother. He claps his hands, laughing as the water comes pouring out of the fountain.

Christian shakes his head at me. "More like the ever famous mall in Chicago. Come on, it's along Michigan Avenue. You have heard of that right?"

"Of course," I say offended. "That would make me the worst person on this planet. Who hasn't heard of Michigan Avenue?"

"You're the one who never heard of the Water Tower," he puts his arm around me, so unChristian like.

My insides feel fuzzy. And suddenly I feel like a teenage girl again on her first date. Whenever I'm with him, I can't help but shake the butterflies I feel. We walk along Michigan Avenue hand in hand and I keep stopping to look into store windows. All the stores are way out of my budget. Once we get to the Water Tower, I wish that I were rich and famous. The Water Tower has hundreds of stores inside and at least ten floors. I smile up at Christian.

For the next hour, I fangirl over all the stores in the building. As we start making our way back to The Drake, I press my hands against a book store that looks like it belongs in England. Christian opens the door to the store, gesturing for me to go inside.

"We shouldn't...once I'm in a book store, I can't force myself to leave empty handed. I can't be spending money so freely now that I'm living on my own," I say hesitantly. But I want to go inside and breathe in the books.

"Maybe we can go tomorrow when we have more time then," he shuts the door.

I nod my head in agreement. Time in a book store is exactly what I need. And anyhow, I have to get back to the lobby to attend my first official business meeting. Jack probably wouldn't be thrilled if I was late. He would take his anger out on Christian. Walking into the lobby, I see Jack sitting on one of the couches reading a book. The organist is no longer playing. The bench sits empty and I wander if Christian knows how to play. I have a feeling he does, but he's never mentioned it to me. Jack glances up from his book to see us coming his way. Before I can reach him, Christian hauls me into his arms. He kisses me deeply; I can feel his tongue fighting its way inside my mouth. I have to push against his chest from taking the kiss any further. We are in the middle of the lobby after all. I have a feeling that was a show for Jack to mark his territory. I don't like how jealous he is around Jack. It still makes me wonder what he's not telling me.

They have a history together and I will find it out eventually. Right now, I have focus on my job. That's why I'm in Chicago. For my dream job.

"Ready, Anastasia?" Jack stands up.

I look over my shoulder at Christian, watching us. I mouth for him to trust me. He curtly nods, walking back outside into the windy afternoon.

"Yes," I shrug my purse higher onto my shoulder. "Let's go."

Loving Him is Grey (50 shades fanfic-PG-13)Where stories live. Discover now