Chapter 6

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From: Christian Grey

To: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Dinner?

Miss Steele,

I am sorry for such a quick departure last night. Work came up and I had to attend to it. Let me make it up to you; how about dinner tonight? I will pick you up. Also, I got you a graduation present, something you are sure to like,

-Christian Grey

CEO of Grey Holdings Enterprising

I scan the email looking for a hidden meaning, sure this must be some kind of joke. Christian obviously was disgusted with me after last nights awkward face-touching.

From: Anastasia Steele

To: Christian Grey

Subject: Why not

Mr. Grey,

Dinner sounds nice for tonight. And you did not have to get me a present, but I love presents so I won't complain too much. What time are you picking me up?

PS...I like pizza


Signing off my laptop, I lay back down on my bed. It's after ten in the morning, but I am much too comfortable to get up. Today marks my day as an independent woman. I am joining the work force in the next couple of weeks. Perhaps I will be able to afford a new cell phone. My Iphone is nearly five years old this fall. Over the past few years of college I haven't had the money to buy a new one. My mom was more than willing to help but I would never hear the end of her handout. She would make me repay it sometime in my life anyway.

"I am so drunk," Victoria hangs in my doorway.

"At least one of had a good time last night." I sit back up, laughing at my roommate's disheveled appearance.

Victoria glares at me as I continue laughing at her as she drones on about her night. She ended up dancing on the bar counter top, eventually being asked to leave the bar. Of course that didn't stop her from going to another bar and dancing with every guy in sight. Now that I think of it, I didn't hear her come in last night.

"If you're wondering where I was last night, Elliot came to pick me up. He let me stay at his place. Nothing happened."

I get off my bed, shoving my hand through my knotted hair. "What the hell is up with these Grey brothers playing hero?"

"Hot heroes..." Victoria says as I rummage through my drawer for a bra.

Tying my hair up, I stalk around my room looking for my phone. I could have sworn I had it last night when I was with Christian. Then again, I could have left it at the restaurant with Ray. It sticks out from one of my books on the night table. A text from Christian awaits me. He tells me he'll pick me up at six.

"I wouldn't call them heroes...more like stalkers."

Victoria stifles a yawn. "So where are you off to?"

"Christian is picking me up later for dinner. He has a graduation gift to give me."

She cocks an eyebrow at me, "hot date with the stalker."

Double standards. "Well, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Mr. Grey is a well respected man in Seattle, I highly doubt he's a convicted stalker."

Victoria laughs and walks out the door. I return to returning my room back in order before a tornado that is graduation and finals came tearing through my room. My black dress catches my eye from my closet. I have never worn it, but Victoria bought it for me for my twenty-first last summer. It's a tight black dress with a lace backing. I never had a reason to wear it, up until tonight that is. Sure it's not designer like I am sure Christian is used to, but it's nice enough. Hanging it in the front of my closet, I stare at my small collection of shoes. I am assuming Converse are not the appropriate foot wear for a first date with a billionaire. Neither are flip flops or my black flats. Sighing, I pick up my red stilettos. They're only used for special occasions. I guess my date with a billionaire can be considered a special occasion. My mom would lose her marbles if she knew about my date.

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