Chapter 12

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 "I'm here everyone, no need to be worried!" A female's voice echos through the dining room.

Christian stills next to me and I whip my head around to see Elena. The same Elena who insulted me before she even knew who I was. The same woman who is business partners with Christian. The same woman who is a lot closer to him than I want her to be. Who the hell is this woman?

"Elena," Mrs. Grey rises from her seat to embrace Elena in a hug.

Mia peers over her wine glass, taking in the sight of Elena. Her face shows no sigh of how she feels towards her. Christian, on the other hand, smiles warmly at Elena. Jealousy surges through me despite my conflicting feelings towards emotions. How can he smile so sweetly at her but it's like pulling teeth to smile at me? Elena obviously is someone special to him. I want him to smile at me like that, like I mean something to him. Right now I feel like a child walking in on their parents kissing as Christian gets up to kiss Elena on the cheek. She smiles radiantly at him like he's the only man in the world.

Sit down; he's mine.

I look down at my place setting, eying the food. Perhaps it's too high school, but I have a strong need to mark my territory. If I don't do it, Elena will assume that she can walk all over me. Not today. I take Christian's hand in mine, setting them on the table in plain sight. Mia takes notice of our hands and gives me a malicious smile. Elena glances our way and her mouth goes into a smirk disgust. She pulls out the chair seated next to Christian's. The food is probably getting cold now because everyone was too wrapped up in embracing thee Elena Lincoln.

"Anastasia, lovely dress." Her smirk is evil and I know she's trying to get me riled up.

I smile brightly at her, "thank you."

A silence wraps around us as we pass the bowls of food around the table. Mia keeps glancing between Elena and I. Elliot sits quietly at the end of the table, swirling his fork in the mashed potatoes. I eat my food in small bites even though I am at the stage of anger where I want to eat everything in sight. I have a feeling the Greys would not approve of my lack of table manners. At home I can eat chips out of the bag. I bet they don't even have chips in their cupboard unless they're some fancy organic chips you can buy for like fifty dollars at Whole Foods.

"So," Mr. Grey looks my way, "Anastasia, have you found a job yet? Christian mentioned you were into journalism and publishing."

"You can call me Ana, sir. And no I haven't found a job yet. I have an interview tomorrow actually at Seattle Independent Publishing."

Christian puts his wine glass down with force that makes the table look his way. "You didn't mention that to me."

I open my mouth to respond, but words escape me when I meet his narrow gaze. "I didn't think it mattered."

"Really, Anastasia? You didn't think it mattered so you just didn't tell me?"

"Christian," I Whisper, "can we not do this here?"

"Damn, someone must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Mia raises her eyebrows at Christian.

"Mia, Christian," Mrs. Grey scolds.

The table goes into another round of silence, this time more awkward than ever. Elliot clears his throat. Mr. Grey glares at Christian. Christian stands up hastily, excusing himself from the table. I watch as Elena's eyes follow him out. Then she excuses herself too. She follows Christian out of the room. The grip on my fork tightens, threatening to bend it. I cross my arms around my waist, alone with the rest of the Grey family. This may be the most awkward dinner I have ever sat through. More awkward than when my mom announced she was pregnant eight months ago. I have a feeling tonight will end up in another fight between Christian and I. At least this time I will be prepared to battle it out. I better start writing the speech in my head while I sit here in silence, awaiting Elena and Christian to come back from whatever they're doing.

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