Chapter 22

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The next morning I awake with aroaring headache. I am never drinking again. Except that's what I sayevery time I have a hangover and nothing changes. I mean it thistime.

Mia is in the kitchen makingwaffles and coffee. She knows my way to my heart and that is whyshe's one of my best friends. After last night with Christian, Ireally think everything is going to work out. Of course we still havesome kinks to straighten, but I believe in us. And call me crazy, butI think he does too. It's only a matter of time until he actuallyadmits it. For now, I'm content with how we are. Even though we bothare majorly messed up in our own way. We're a beautiful disaster.

"Morning. How's thehangover?"

I slump onto a stool as Miahands me a plate of waffles covered in syrup. As much as food soundsrepulsive right now, the waffles look too good not to eat. I can'tvery well refuse such a kind offer in the form of waffles. That wouldbe asinine of me.

Taking a bite, I say, "it'swonderful. Just absolutely wonderful. At least there's no work todayso I can lounge around."

Mia sets her elbows on thecounter, looking at me as I eat. "Well, um, I don't know how totell you this then."

"Out with it," I push her.

"Christian's having a workdinner party tonight."

"Another grand ball? Afterlast party, I don't think I can endure another one." I wipe mymouth off, contemplating pretending that I'm feeling ill to avoid thedinner party. I know Christian would want me there, but after theElena incident at the ball, I just don't want to go to another event.Not until I am completely certain that Christian and minerelationship is great. Like I said, it's still has some rough times.

Mia lets out a sigh ofdisappointment. "Please don't leave me alone to go to some stuffyparty with all of my brother's employees. Don't you know how bored Iwould be? Anna, I need you!"

She always has a way of guilttripping me into things such as this. What kind of friend would I beif I declined the offer to hang out with her? I don't want to goalmost as much as she doesn't. So I guess it would be a fair tradeoff then. Both being miserably bored while getting free food. I guessthe dinner will have it's benefits.

"Fine," I sigh,

She claps her hands, rushingaround to give me a hug. "You're the best friend I have ever had. Iowe you!"

"Consider this being mypayment from last night with Christian. I really mean it when I tellyou thank you for that."

"Of course. I know how muchyou two care about each other. Every couple has their issues; itwouldn't be a real relationship without issues here and there." Miasits down on the stool next to me.

I'm thankful to have a friendlike Mia. I wish she would have gone to college with me. It mighthave been more interesting than the four years I attended withouther. Victoria's great and all, but she's no Mia. Ever since I met theGreys, I feel myself becoming a different person. A more confidentand fun person. I've been told that I'm kind of a stick in the mud,so having them as friends has made a positive affect in my life.

"We should go shopping forsomething to wear," Mia suggests. "My treat."

"You don't have to buyanything for me, but I would be happy to go."

After we freshen up, we head tothe mall down in Seattle. The place is swarming with people. I'msurprised since yesterday was a holiday. They must be gearing up forthe end of summer parties surely coming up. Mia drags me to a fewstores way out of my price range. I admire the clothes that I know Icould never afford. Mia shows me different outfits, each more thanwhat I pay for rent probably. She settles on a nice gold dress thataccents her curves. Along with the dress she buys black wedges. We'reat another store searching for a handbag when I hear a familiar voiceapproaching us. I still as I hear Elena talking to another woman. Miais on the other side of the store from me. Entering panic mood, Ipretend to be studying a black dress costing more than my collegetuition.

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