Chapter 3

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At the end of my shift, Victoria texts me to set a phot shoot up with Mr. Grey during this week. She says that it will be good to put a face to the interview. I look down at my phone to my email list. His email from the other day thanking me for the interview is still there.

Sighing, I send him an email.

To: Christian Grey

From: Anastatia Steele

Subject: Photot shoot?

Hello Mr. Grey,

I was wondering if you would be willing to do a photo shoot along to go along with the paper? My friend is in photography and I am sure he would be thrilled. Unfortunately the only good day this week would be tomorrow. Hopefully Sundays are not too busy for you. It will only be a small amount of time.

Thank you,

Ana Steele

Shutting off the lights and locking the doors behind me, I flinch at the beep of my phone. He emailed me back already and is willing to do the photo shoot tomorrow.

“Hello?” my friend Jason's voice asks through the phone.

“I have a huge favor to ask of you. Mr. Grey of Grey Enterprising is willing to do a photo shoot for the school's news tomorrow. Would you be the photographer? Please, please, please.” I plead.

He sighs, “I could never deny you such a request Ana. What time and where?”

“Mr. Grey is staying at a hotel down the road. I'll pick you up around noon.”

We hang up and I sprint to my car. A downpour has started and I am not in the mood to get soaked. A feeling of nervousness bubbles deep inside of me. Perhaps it's the fact that I will be seeing Mr. Grey again. Our interaction today was odd. Completely unexpected.

By the time I get home, Victoria is sitting on the couch with a mug of coffee. Spread across the table are various books and notebooks. She must have been studying all day while I was at work. Her eyes are glued to the screen.

“Look who's on the news!” she yells at me from the other room.

I run into the room, focusing my eyes onto the screen. Mr. Grey is shaking hands with the governor of Washington. He's in his standard uniform of a grey suit and white shirt underneath it. He looks days over his age of twenty-five, but like a young boy. The picture flashes to the upcoming week's weather.

It will be mostly raining. A perfect motif for finals week. Laying down on the couch, I flip through the channels until I find the Hallmark channel. Victoria glares at me and gets off from the couch. She comes back in with a bag of chips. I grab for the bag but she swats my hand away.

“These are mine! Get your own.”

I lift myself into sitting position. “And who's coffee is that you're drinking?” I lift my eyebrows at her, eying her coffee mug full of my coffee.

She regards me sheepishly and offers me the bag to take. I pour some onto the coffee table. We sit watching the horribly cheesy movie for a half an hour before I call for some pizza. There's nothing like pizza that will help you defunk from a weird day at work.

I wonder if Mr. Grey likes pizza...

Where did that thought come from? Also, who doesn't like pizza? I bet he orders pizza from Italy and they deliver it right to his door. Lord knows he has the money for it. I sit in my room, thinking about the mysterious gray-eyed man. There's always more that meets the eye. I bet behind that stone cold exterior of business, he likes to play frisbee in the park. Or he likes to go to Disney Land for a day trip with his nieces and nephews. I don't know if he has nieces or nephews, but it's whatever.

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