Chapter 8

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Cole took me home in which was the most uncomfortable trip ever. He didn't talk the whole time. Even when I made conversation with him he would respond back with simple answers. Eventually I got tired of trying and gave up. I didn't even have my Ipod with me to pass the hour and a half drive. The only sounds were of cars passing us by and the occasional hum of the air conditioning. It may only be late May, but it's warm enough to stay inside or risk have your hair stand up in a frizzy mess.

Victoria is away at her parent's beach home for the next week in Florida. It was a surprise trip for her graduation present. My mom mentioned before she left that she had something to give me but I was too excited for my date with Christian to be excited about a graduation gift. Funny how I should have felt the exact opposite as how my night with Christian actually turned out. He pulled out his steel armor and went to save another damsel in distressed. Who the hell is Elena anyway? What connection does she have with Christian? He never brought her up when he talked about his business during our interview back a couple of weeks ago. In fact, there is nothing on Google mentioning a business partner by the name of Elena. I would know as I just spent a good hour scrolling the internet for anything about her. Nonetheless a business partner at all. I wonder if she is really his business partner. Something doesn't quite add up here. It's too bad I can't call one of his friends or family members to ask about her.

Okay Ana, now you're getting to be a stalker just like Christian Grey. Take a chill pill.

My inner voice is right; I need to relax. Wine should do the trick even though I had enough at dinner. But what left me dizzy and confused was not the alcohol but the kiss Christian and I shared.

Sure, I have had my fair share of kisses in my lifetime, but this one was different. This kiss was different and unlike any of the others I have had. I can't pin point what it was, but I felt it in my bones.

I need to get a grip. I am sure Christian kisses women far more beautiful than me. Elena has probably been one of the many women that he has kissed. My eyes close as fatigue hits me. I didn't have any coffee today and the wine is taking a toll on me. Perhaps it would be best to call it a night, forget that this day ever happened. But how could I when I experienced the most fascinating date with the most fascinating man? For goodness sakes, he did take me on his private jet. Thinking about it makes me giddy with wonderment about what else he would have in store for me. That is if I decide I want to see him again.

I am jolted awake by my alarm. I forgot to turn it off last night. My boss gave me a few days off to get settled with my new degree. She wants me to have time to apply for jobs and enjoy my last days of freedom before I enter the workforce. For that I am grateful. It gives me more time to read as well. The last semester kicked my butt and I hardly had the time to pick up a book. In the past five months I have only managed to read two full books. For me, that's like failing a test: full of disappointment.

Despite the early hour, I drag myself from my bed. There's no point in falling back asleep now when there's so much more I can be doing with my Saturday morning. For example, making coffee is on top of the list. After that I might as well clean up a little. I really let the apartment go during the last month of school. There wasn't the time to dwell on laundry when my grades were being tossed around like baseballs. I had to focus on my schoolwork, and boy was there a lot of it.

Brewing the coffee, I rest my hip against the counter. It's cool and it feels nice. I let my mind wander back to Christian. It has its own way of doing so. I can't seem to shake him full from my mind. One minute I could be thinking about scrubbing the toilet and the next of Christian scrubbing the toilet for me. What a fine sight that would be. A girl could definitely get used to Mr. Grey cleaning her bathroom.

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