Chapter 19

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Hair up.

No, I look like a ten year old boy.

Hair down.

Is my hair always this frizzy?

Hair in a high messy bun it is.

Meeting Christian at the local ice cream store, I wait in a booth for him. He said he was running late from a meeting. I check my phone every five seconds in case I miss his text or call canceling our date. Just as I was about to order ice cream for myself, Cole walks in.

"Miss Steele," he nods his head at me.

Eyebrows raised, I say hello back. "So, what are you doing here? Where's Christian? Not that I'm not happy to see you, but..."

Cole smiles slightly. "Mr. Grey is stuck in a meeting. He wanted me to let you know that he wouldn't be making it today but he'll see you this Saturday at the banquet."

Feeling disappointed, I thank Cole for letting me know. He buys me an ice cream cone, courtesy of Christian. The two of us walk out together. After we part ways, I walk along the sound. The wind is light today, but the breeze feels nice against my face. A tear falls down my cheek as I watch other couples around the Sound. I sit on a bench, overlooking the waves of the water rocking back and forth. My mind flashes to this Saturday at the banquet. I don't even know if he wants me there.

He said he did, Ana. Stop over thinking everything.

Resisting the urge to chuck my phone into the water, I head back to my apartment. Christian sends me a text, apologizing for missing out ice cream date. He promises that we'll have a wonderful night on Saturday.


Saturday comes faster than a freight train. After a long week, I feel mentally and physically exhausted. How am I going to be pleasant to hundreds of people tonight? I'll definitely have to mind my manners while I'm there. That means I can't pass out at the dinner table.

"Are you nervous?" Victoria pokes her head into my room.

I bite my fingernails, "kinda. The Greys are famous for throwing out of this world charity events. I doubt this one will be any different. I won't fit in."

Victoria sits on my bed. "Maybe not, but who says you want to fit in with all of them? Anastasia, you'll win them over by just being yourself. Trust me, it won't be bad. Christian will be there for you. Just remember, you're only as weak as they think. Prove to them you're one of them. You have the look."

I smile, "I hope. How should I do my hair?"

"I'll do your hair. I saw this hairstyle on Pintrest I have been dying to try out. So why not make you my personal Barbie doll for the night?" she rushes out of the room and returns with a curling iron and a makeup bag. She plus the iron into an outlet and spreads out the array of makeup.

I have never been very good at putting on makeup. It was easier for me to brush on some mascara and lip gloss and go. But tonight is different. I'll have to over do my look if I even want the chance to fit in with the elite crowd that will be at the Grey's home. I stare at my reflection in the mirror. My hair is freshly dried, framing my face. My face is completely void of any makeup. I look like the definition of a plain Jane. I don't know what Christian even sees in me.

"What are you doing tonight?" I ask Victoria. For the past week she has been working the night shifts at the hospital. Tonight is her first night off since she began her new job.

She shrugs, "super lame, but I'm going to curl up in sweats and watch cheesy romance movies. I even stocked up on junk food. I know, my night isn't going to be as glamorous as yours."

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