The End

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Christian stares at me from where he sits. I stand awkwardly in the doorway. I was positive this would be a bold move and that he would love it. Christian is anything but conventional. My proposing to him was definitely unconventional.

He makes his way to where I stand, grabbing my hands in his. "Where's the ring, Steele?"

My cheeks blush because I don't have a ring. That was one aspect that I didn't even think about when I came dashing over here. "I...uh."

Slowly, he gets down on one knee. He reaches into his coat pocket for a small blue box. The word 'Tiffany' is sprawled across it. "You beat me to the chase. Don't worry because I came with a ring in hand."

My hand covers my mouth, tears sliding down my face as he takes the ring from the box. It's unlike one I've ever seen before. Of course I shouldn't be surprised with the grand size of the ring. He's a billionaire after all. I just never thought I would be on the receiving end of such a beautiful diamond. In the center is a huge diamond surrounded by a bunch of little ones. I'm afraid to wear it in fear I'll lose it.

"Anastasia Steele," he looks into my eyes. "Will you be my wife."

Unable to form any words, I nod my head vigorously. He stands up and slips the ring on my finger. Grabbing his face in my hands, I kiss him with a passion so fierce that I'm surprised. Nonetheless, he kisses me back just as passionately. His hands weave in my hair and I let out a content sigh. I could get used to this every day for the rest of my life.


Victoria ruffles my hair as Mia finishes my makeup. I stare at myself in the mirror, nearly not recognizing myself. The veil over my face is so beautiful. My mom flew down a couple of months ago to go wedding dress shopping with Mia, Mrs. Grey, and I. Mrs. Grey insisted she buy my wedding gown. Vera Wang had it specially made just for my taste. It's a simple gown, but elegant. It hits the floor with lace sleeves down to my wrists and a pearl neckline. The rest of the gown is plain white, made of silk. Even though it's not elaborate, it's still just as beautiful as any gowns I've seen on TV. My mom comes into the back room of the church.

Christian and I decided to have a small wedding with family and close friends. The reception is at one of the nicest banquet halls in Seattle. After tonight, I will be Mrs. Anastasia Grey. I still can't believe it given our complicated relationship. I knew what I was doing when I proposed to Christian nearly a year ago. All the wedding planning has paid off. Not to mention my job is better than ever. With Christian being the new owner of the building, he did some house cleaning of the staff at the publishing house. Jack Hyde being the first one he fired. The new boss, Sierra, has become one of my closest friends. She's in her mid-30's and worked in London at a publishing house for over ten years. She relocated to Seattle when she heard about the opening here. I sat in on the interviews and I deemed her to be the best fit. Christian didn't bother with the rest of the interviews and hired Sierra the next day.

Christian and I will jet off to our honeymoon tomorrow. The next two weeks, we will be traveling around Europe. I've never been out of the country before, and I can't think of a better companion than Christian to travel the world with. Well, at least the European world.

"Honey," my mom is trying her best to not sob. "You look like a princess."

Mia steps back to admire her work. She carefully curled my hair so they're in perfect ringlets. She claps her hands together. "Let's get this show rolling."

Victoria rolls her eyes. The two of them couldn't be more different. "What she said. Ana, you really do look beautiful."

Mrs. Grey smiles lovingly at me. "My boy knows how to pick them."

Taking my mom's hand , she leads me to the closed doors where I will enter the church. My stomach is swarming with small butterflies. I shouldn't be nervous though; I'm marrying the only man I have ever loved. It's a beginning of a new book that I can't wait to open.

My dad is in the back and I accept his outstretched hand. His eyes are filled with tears. "I can't believe you're old enough to be getting married. He better treat you well or I will kick his ass. CEO or not."

"He's perfect," I reassure my dad. He always found fault with every guy I dated. Christian was the first man to ever impress him. "Don't worry; I'll kick his ass if he treats me anyway but like a princess."

He laughs lightly as the piano begins to play. I always imagined my wedding as a child. What girl didn't? Now that it's here, I'm in shock that I am getting married. Like my father said, how am I old enough to be getting married? Soon I will have my own family. I want kids, at least two of them. Christian said we can have as many kids as we want, just as long as I'm happy.

The doors open to reveal Christian standing in the front of the church wearing a crisp black tux. My heart melts in my chest as I make my way down the aisle. The church is only filled halfway, but it's a decent sized church. I see the smiles of friends from high school and college. I see my family, my mom sobbing into my step dad's lapel. I manage a small smile in her direction. My stomach is too in knots to smile widely. Without tripping, my father gives me away to Christian. My dad kisses me on my cheek before heading to his seat beside his new girlfriend. They met a couple of months ago. I'm glad both of my parents are finally as happy as I am right now.

Saying our 'I do's', I can tell that my makeup is smearing as I cry during Christian's vows to me. I almost can't believe how lyrical his vows are. I wonder how long it took for him to write them. Mine dull in comparison to his. I almost feel less superior. The priest announces us husband and wife, and Christian gives me a kiss on the lips. I want to cherish this moment for the rest of my life. The whole church erupts into cheers. The smile on my lips is so wide I swear if it got bigger, my mouth would freeze like this. I look over to see Christian's smile just as big as mine. He takes my hand and we walk outside to the awaiting limo.

For once, there is not a rain drop in sight. Sliding into the limo, I wave good bye to my family who has gathered outside. Christian closes the door to the limo and we ride into our future. Our new story book starting on an empty page.

*Thank you all for reading this! I hope I ended it well. :) Latersssss.....*

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