Chapter 24

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*It's been a while since I have written this, so there might be some information I am fuzzy on. Please don't mind that!*

I shouldn't be nervous as I walk into Grey Enterprises. Christian just probably wants to give me some new clothing for my trip to Chicago. Yep, that's definitely it. It's not like he has any say on whether or not I can go to this conference with my boss. This is my job; I don't dictate where and who he goes to business conferences with. Not like Jack and I are going away on some romantic getaway courteously provided by the publishing house.

"Anastasia," one of Christian's many assistants smiles warmly at me. "Mr. Grey is waiting for you in his office. I don't mean to cause any alarm, but he seems to be in a sour mood. More than usual."

I smile because she must know his sour moods more than anyone. Well, besides Elena. God just thinking about that woman makes me want to head to her place of residency and pull her hair out. Then again, I am professional and I would probably get arrested for breaking and entering. And assault...

I knock lightly on his door before stepping inside. Christian stands at his desk looking over a file with his forehead scrunched. Seeing him in action makes me swoon on the spot. There's nothing more attractive than a man that's so passionate and hardworking at his job. My heart pitter patters against my chest. I almost forget as to why I am actually here until he turns around, giving me a glare.

"Anastasia," he says stalely.

I manage to give him a tight smile. I know what's about to come. The man is as demanding as a college professor during finals week. One of the many things I do not miss about college. "Nice to see you too, Christian."

"Sit," he nods towards a seat across from his desk.

When I'm situated across from him, he begins talking. "I don't want you going to Chicago with your boss."

I can't help it, I start to laugh at his demand. "That's ridiculous. This job is important to me and I can't risk losing it. What's your problem anyway?"

He slams his hands down on his desk, startling me. "My problem is that you are mine."

Leaning back against my seat, I gape at him. "You don't own me. I'm my own person and I would like you to treat me as such. This," I gesture between the two of us, "won't work unless you give me some room to breathe. Remember when you agreed to that?"

Christian sighs, raking his hand through his hair. "I want what's best for you, I do. But Hyde is a weasel and I don't trust him."

"Or is it that you don't trust me?" I whisper.

"I trust you, Anastasia."

My eyes start to water at how he's treating me. One step forward, one step backwards. That's how it always is with him. We can't ever agree on anything. "You don't act like you do. Tell me, does your trust issues stem from Elena?"

"Not this again. I can't keep having this argument with you."

"Answer the question, Christian." My voice is shaking.

He gets up from his seat, walking over to the window overlooking Seattle. "This shit with you and Elena is getting annoying. No, my trust issues are not stemmed from Elena. In fact, I don't have trust issues. It seems like you're the one with them."

My mouth drops open. Now a tear falls down my cheek. Before he turns back around, I have the tear wiped away. Gone is any trace of sadness I feel right now. All I feel is anger deep within me. I want to scream, break things, and make him tell me all of his secrets. Maybe this relationship wasn't meant to be. I've known it all along but I thought that I could make it work. Turns out that some people don't know how to change for the better. And I think Christian is one of them.

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