Chapter 11

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Smashing my head through a wall would be the best decision at the moment. Unfortunately my head is still pounding from last night's adventure.

Today was supposed to be dinner at the Grey's home except I don't think Christian deserves to win this battle. I am still so mad at him for everything- his need for power over my own life and for nearly knocking Josh unconscious. The man deserves to sweat it out and think about his actions. He can come to me; I'm not coming to him.

There's a knock at the door and by all ironies, Christian is standing at my door mat with a single red rose. He smiles shyly at me when I open the door. And that's when I realize that I am standing in front of him without a bra on and a pair of old sleep pants. I wrap my arms around my chest, shielding his gaze from my unsupported chest. I was suspecting that it was my mom or Victoria at the door. She forgets her keys a lot in the morning. But no, the world hates me too much to be anyone but Christian. Stupid Christian and his brooding gaze and sexy, tousled hair....

Shake it off Ana! You are mad at him. No, you are past mad at him. You want to put his head through the wall, not yours.

"Listen Ana-"

I hold my hand up to him. "No you listen; I am not your puppet so you can't control me like a puppet master. So before you apologize for your actions last night, I would much rather like an apology for your words."

He runs a hand through his hair. "This is who I am. I have always-I've always been in control."

I stare back at him, my mouth dropping open at his sudden burst of sharing an intimate detail about himself. So he does talk, and it sounds like he has more to say than not. "Well, Mr. Grey, your control is dwindling when you're with me. Otherwise, we're wasting both our time."

He stares back at me, a hard stare. Then he lets out a big breath, "I can try, but it's a habit that's going to be hard to shake. It's who I am."

I shake my head, "no. It's who you think you are; who others think you should be." I tap his heart with my palm, "somewhere in here, you're not the control freak I have come to know."

"That was the most backwards compliment I have ever received." Christian places his hand over mine that is still settling on his heart.

His heart beat is steady and it's comforting against my palm. I look into his gray eyes, full of hunger. I remember that I am not wearing a bra and rush off to my bedroom. "Be right back!" I yell.

Changing into a sports bra, I reappear within seconds. My hair is in a total state of disarray, but hopefully Christian will dishevel it more when he takes me passionately in his arms and-

"Honey!" my mom enters the door.

Damn...I should have locked the door.

Christian and I whip our heads around at my mom's entrance. Her belly is huge, near ready to pop any day now. She's staying in Seattle until the baby is born then they're driving back to Georgia two weeks after the baby is born. My mom wants her new baby born in Seattle like I was. She's very particular about things like that. I internally groan and my inner goddess kicks the wall. I let my shoulders slump as my mom grabs me in a tight embrace. Christian leans against the wall, taking in my mom and I. I give him a sheepish smile over my mom's shoulder.

"Well," Christian coughs, "I better get going. I'll see you later tonight, Anastasia?"

I let go of my mom, "pick me up at six?"

"Laters, baby." He winks and is out of the door.

My mom turns to me. "I still can't believe you managed to get someone like Christian Grey. You really lucked out."

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