Chapter 23

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Mia was right, business meetingsare incredibly stuffy. I sit at my table next to the Greys asChristian mingles with his guests. The dinner is taking place at alarge hotel centered in the heart of Seattle. There has to be atleast five hundred, if not more, employees. Mia is sipping lazily onher straw. I sit, waiting for something exciting to happen. Of courseI doubt anything too exciting will be happening tonight. Maybe I'mused to all the drama in my life that has come with Christian.

"He looks so natural," Isay to Mia.

Her eyes look over to whereChristian talks with his first in command Roz. She's a tall womanwith bright red hair in her forties. Mia nods her head. "Always hasbeen."

Elliot walks over to us with apretty blonde on his arm. Supposedly he has been seeing said girl fora while now but nobody knew about her. They sit down and he slingshis arm around the back of her chair. I watch them he kisses her onthe cheek. She laughs like a high school girl getting asked to hersenior prom. I feel lonely and I wish Christian was over her with me.I just saw him a couple of days ago, but not enough. My feelings forhim have escalated and it's slightly overwhelming. I've never feltthis way about a guy before, so dependent. Of course most of my pastrelationships were petty high school relationships. They held nomeaning. I wouldn't even really consider them relationships.

"Ana," Christian finallysits beside me, "you look beautiful tonight."

I feel my cheeks redden. "Whythank you. You don't look so bad yourself."

He kisses me swiftly on thecheek before talking to someone who just approached him. They engagein brief conversation and soon enough, food is placed in front of us.I practically salivate when the plate is placed in front of me. Ihaven't eaten all day because I prepared myself for the decadentdinner I knew would be served tonight. And as I expected, a dinnerfit for the royals themselves are on my plate. Chicken with a specialsauce, mashed potatoes (how I wish Elena was here...), and asparagus.

Christian's parents smile attheir son as he focuses his attention to his plate. I can see howproud they are of him-being so successful at such a young age. Ican't help but feel a surge of pride with him as well. I know Ihaven't known him young, but I feel like I've been around to witnesssuch thriving success.

"They're proud of you," Iwhisper to him.

He looks at me. "You're notproud of me, Anastasia?"

"You know I am, but it's cuteto see your parents so happy for you. I wish mine were as proud ofme."

"They are. They may not showit, but how can they not? Ana, you're one of the brightest girls Ihave ever met. I know you're going far in the publishing world." Heslides his hand on my thigh, sending my heart into overdrive.

There's only so much a heartcan take. "When's this over?"

"Why?" he eats a bit of hischicken, raising an eyebrow curiously at me.

"Because..." I lean incloser to him so nobody else can hear me, "I want to make out withyou."

Christian practically chokes onthe bite of chicken in his mouth. I slide back over to my side of thetable. I look at his face that is so full of surprise at my words.

"Damn," Christian wipes hismouth. "Would it be rude to leave my own dinner?"

"Slightly," I laugh at hissuggestion.

Mia is staring at us with herfork in between her mouth. She wiggles her eyebrows at me. "Willyou two get a room? There's thousands here."

I stare at her with my mouthdropped open. Christian's parents do as well while Christian justlaughs it off. It's like he's not even embarrassed. Me, on the otherhand, I can feel the fire in my cheeks. I chug down my glass ofchampagne, ignoring the penetrating stares I'm receiving.

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