Chapter 28

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*Hey, so I haven't been updating lately, and I think it's time to call it quits. Or rather, I think it's time for an ending. I have it planned that there will only be 2 chapters left of this fanfic. Thank you so much to all those who've read (almost 35k!), and I hope the ending suits you fine.*

After returning from Chicago, I decided that it's time to get to the bottom of everything. I'm done with secrets and deception. If Christian wants to stay in my life, he needs to tell me the truth. He needs to know that I'm worthy of his trust and respect.

The gates open to the Grey's estate. Mia told me she would be home all week until she left for Italy. There's a fashion show there that she wants to attend. I greet the man at the gates before driving up to the house. I'm still awestruck by how grand it is. What a different lifestyle than the one I live. But since I started dating Christian, my life has been intertwining into his.

Mia throws upon the front door when I knock. She stands in a sundress that probably costs more than my monthly rent. "Hey, Ana!"

I smile warmly at her. What I need to ask her might not be easy, but I deserve some truth and if Christian won't tell me, maybe she will. After all, it was her in the picture with Hyde. My stomach tumbles at the possibilities of their history. I almost want to forget about everything and go back home. Victoria is having a wine party tonight with some of our college friends.

"I need to ask you something."

Mia takes in my nervous face, ushering me into the parlor. She asks me if I want a drink, but I need to get this off my chance before I chicken out. Letting out a loud sigh, I blurt out, "you know Jack Hyde. How?"

The smile that was there moments ago disappears. Her eyes dart away from mine, not even bothering to conceal her uneasiness. She probably thought that whatever happened between them would never come into light. I wish I didn't have to do this.

She sits down across from me, opening her mouth then closing it again. " were engaged once upon a time. It didn't end well."

I close my eyes. "Mia...I-"

She raises her hand to stop me. "I don't want any pity, Ana. I just thought that nobody would ever know. He hurt me."

My fists gather at my sides. "He hurt you."

"Yes," her eyes start to water with tears. "I had been mad at him because I saw him with another woman a few days after our engagement. I was mad, so I smashed a window of his car with my heels."

My mouth drops open slightly, but I clamp it back shut. Mia is feisty, so I don't doubt that this happened. Plus, I've seen the heels she wears. They can do some damage. I go over to where she sits. Maybe my presence will help calm her down. "If this is too painful, you don't have to talk about it."

She shakes her head. "No, I'm glad that you asked because I need it to get off my chest. The only person I told about it was Christian. My parents and Elliot don't know much. I just told them I no longer loved him and called off the wedding."

I watch as she composes herself more. "That night he came home and he grabbed me, shoved me against the wall. He was drunk and I was terrified. His grip was so tight that it left marks on me. My back throbbed from him shoving me against the wall. I didn't know what to do, but he eventually let me go and I ran from the house."

"Mia," I grab her in my arms. "I am so sorry." No wonder why Christian hates Jack. I'm surprised that he hasn't put Jack through the wall yet.

"Christian bought the company and I think he plans on firing Jack," I hear Mia tell me. I was too busy worrying about other things that I haven't been listening to her.

Firing Jack would be the logical thing. This must have been Christian's plan all along. He's not the violent type, so defeating someone in the business world is more menacing to him.

I pull away from her. "It's going to be so hard to not throw hot coffee in Jack's face when I go into the office tomorrow."

"Promise me you won't," Mia laughs lightly. I can tell how upset she is, but she doesn't let it show. I admire her for that. After what she went through, I'm surprised at how well she takes on life. I don't know how I would be able to go on if that ever happened to me. I think about all the fights Christian and I have had, but he never dared hurt me. I guess I've been too hard on him. I love him and him me. I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone but him.

"Christian loves you," Mia smiles for real this time. "He never stops talking about you."

A smile touches my lips. "I'm sorry you have to hear so much about me. I'm not that exciting."

Mia puts her arm around my shoulder this time. "Maybe not, but sometimes boring is exciting."

I let out a laugh. Mia can also be brutally honest when she wants to me. Which is usually all the time. Just how she is with Elena. I almost forgot about that dreadful woman. It's time I put the past behind me. Christian doesn't love her anymore, and he sees a future with me. Why should I hold onto grudges that just aren't important to my life?

"Listen, I need to go. Let's get lunch or something later this week. I need to catch you up on my oh so boring life."

When I leave Mia's, I pull out onto the bust streets of Seattle. Christian is still at his office despite it being after five. I took an hour off from work today since I was away all weekend. Jack didn't seem to care that much. Parking on the side of the street, I rush to the entrance. Not surprising, it's raining. It just wouldn't be Seattle if it didn't rain twenty four seven.

The woman at the front desk lets Christian know that I'm here. The poor woman must be waiting to go home. I feel bad for those who work for Christian. He's so demanding. Nonetheless, I love him and I know what I'm about to do is the right decision.

Christian opens the door to his office to let me in. He smiles down at me, kissing me cheek. I reach my hand to touch the spot he kiss, much like a love-struck teenager. I never imagined being in love this much. Sure, as a little girl I dreamed of my Prince Charming, but he's anything like Charming and I'm okay with that. He shuts the door so we have some privacy.

"What are you doing her, Ana? I thought Victoria was hosting a wine party tonight."

I nod my head to confirm his question. "She is, but this couldn't wait." I drop my purse onto the chair in front of me.

Taking a deep breath, I ask: Christian Grey, will you marry me?"

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