Chapter 10

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 "We should get coffee since I didn't get to finish mine at dinner," I say as we walk along the path around the Sound.

Christian grabs my hand, bringing my palm to his lips. "I guess I could spare a few dollars on you."

I nudge him with my shoulder, turning ourselves around to the direction of the bust street in Seattle. The first Starbucks in the United States is located in the inner city. So, today we're just going to the normal, boring Starbucks. It's always super packed and busy with tourists. I don't normally go to chain coffee shops, but I think Christian is more familiar with the expensive coffee chain. Five dollars for a coffee isn't in my spending budget. I would much rather make my own coffee. Even if it is usually water. Nothing a little creamer and sugar can't fix.

"Starbucks," I moan as we enter the overflowing coffee shop. The fumes are strong as we make our way to the counter. The girl, once again, admires Christian's good looks. My hand tightens around him, causing him to cast a weary look my way. I smile sheepishly, standing closer to him when I order my caramel flan latte. It's only the best latte ever to be brewed.

Christian grabs our coffees. They completely butchered my name on my cup. The girl probably did it on purpose, but I will give her the benefit of the doubt. My name isn't the easiest to spell. It's rather long and unique. Not many people I know are named Anastasia. That's why I usually go by Ana; it's a lot more common. Christian, however, seems to enjoy calling me Anastasia. The only people that call me that is my mom and her new husband. Ray has always called me Annie because when I was younger, my hair was wild and crazy. Although, my hair was a lot longer than little orphan Annie's and it was not red.

"Have you found a job yet?"

I take a sip of my latte, "not yet. I just graduated three days ago."

"No time like the present to apply for a job. There's an opening at my-"

I interrupt him, knowing where he's going with this proposition. "I can find my own job Mr. Grey. Before you know it, I will be interning at a publishing house here in the city. Once I am all moved in and everything."

"Okay," he slips his hand from mine, "no need to get feisty."

"No need to be overly concerned with my career. God, you sound like my mom and Ray. I need you to just be my fake boyfriend."

"So, you're now using me too?" Christian looks at me with a smug smile.

Right, I almost forgot that this is why Christian is hanging around me. I'm being used by him to save face at some charity even at his parents house. The thought doesn't make me feel too good. My first boyfriend is a fake boyfriend. Nobody but me has to know though.

"My parents invited us to a dinner at their house on Sunday."

"Way to throw that out ever so causally." I toss my empty coffee cup in a nearby garbage can.

"I know it's a big deal in Girl Land, but really, it'll be fine."

"Says the man who can charm the pants off of everyone," I fire back at him.

Christian's smile turns dark. "I haven't exactly charmed your pants off yet."

I scrunch my nose, trying my hardest to not burst into uncontrollable laughter. "Charming as hell!" I finally crack and my side starts to cramp from laughing so hard.

"No need to laugh so much," Christian know looks like I wounded his manhood. Which, in all honestly, I probably have.

"So sorry Mr. Grey but I didn't know you were a comedian." I stuff my hands in the pockets of my dress. A dress with pockets is like a small gift. They're so handy.

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