Chapter 20

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Mia grabs my hand and drags me to the middle of the dance floor. Women pour onto the floor, all looking nervously about the room. The men stare back at us like we're some sort of display meant to be stared at. It makes me uncomfortable as I never have liked attention on me. I feel like a giraffe at the zoo. I catch Christian's eyes from where I stand. His father and Elliot stand next to us.

Mia stares at a man near Christian. He's tall and blonde, but he doesn't seem to be paying her much attention. Instead he's looking at Mia's friend Lily who I have yet to meet.

As if she read my mind, Lily waltzes over to us. Mia and her exchange hellos. Lily turns her gaze on me.

"You must be the girl who stole Christian's heart. Aren't you just the luckiest person on the planet." She crosses her arms at me, clearly taking me in.

I match her stance, "mmm. Christian is a wonderful boyfriend. He's so kind and caring. Really, I am surprised that he's never been in a long relationship before. Why did you two never date?"

Mia glances at me as if I have just lost my marbles. What she doesn't know is that I'm attempting to get a rise out of Lily. The girl is much too confident for her own good.

Lily sneers at me. "He and I are like brother and sister. That would be very weird if we were to date. No matter how attracted he obviously is to me. He can't stop staring at me."

Mia bursts into laughter beside me. "I'm sorry, but that is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever seen. Lil, Christian is staring at Ana because, you know, she's standing right next to you. God, you are such an idiot sometimes. No offense."

She stomps off, murmuring under he breath as she goes.

I bump Mia with my shoulder, "you are awful."

She shrugs her shoulders with a huge smile plastered across her face. For the short time that I have known Mia, she has been a great friend. I wish that we would have been friends throughout college. She would have been a fun asset to my college days. Unfortunately, Mia was off in Paris at fashion school while I was slumming it her in America.

The MC starts talking, explaining the rules of the raffle. We are being raffled off to the men to dance with. It all seems like a ploy for desperate men who can't seem to find a girl on their own. Mia is up first. She saunters to the front of the dance floor. Like a queen, she waves to crowd, blowing kisses left and right. Strikinh a pose, the crowd erupts into cheers and applause. I look out to the crowd to see Christian cover his hands over his face as his little sister works the crowd. I join in with the cat calls. The bidding begins and men start fighting for the chance to get to dance with the youngest Grey. Eventually, the highest bidder is a man whose cheeks are flaming red with embarrassment. He's cute in a non-obvious kind of way. He offers his hand to Mia and she follows him off the dance floor. She looks back at me, winking. Christian pats the man on his back as they take their place next to the Grey family.

A few girls later the MC calls me to the center of the floor. Hesitantly, I take my place beside him. Christian's eyes pierce mine. Men begin to bid and then a voice yells out "eight thousand!"

Heads whip around to a tall man. I peer out to him, shocked when I see my boss Jack Hyde raising his check book in the air. Everyone turns to Christian next, awaiting his reaction. He doesn't do anything as the MC ticks down to giving Jack my hand. Just as he says "going once", Christian calls out, "twenty-five thousand."

The crowd gasps and Jack turns to Christian. "Can't beat that one. Next time, Anastasia."

"There will be no next time, Hyde," Christian approaches me, his arm wrapping around my waist.

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