Chapter 5

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Putting on my graduation robe, I look at myself in the full length mirror on the wall. My hair is straightened to perfection underneath my obnoxious cap. Seriously, what are the point of these things?

Victoria is in the next room reciting her speech. Much like she has for the past two or three hours. I lost count by the time I heard “class of 2011...” for the tenth time. It's a lovely speech, really it is, but you can't blame me for drowning it out. I have far worse things to worry about and those things are in the form of a sculptured god named Christian Grey. He's giving a speech at graduation and handing out out diplomas. Avoiding him will be next to impossible. I can't very well request that he not be the one to give me my diploma. I have heard that the piece of paper is a pretty big deal.

Gathering my hair pins for my cap, I walk out into the hallway. Victoria is now muttering cuss words under her breath while furiously searching around her room for something. She gasps when she steps on her hanger that is lying disregarded on the floor.

“Ana!” she calls for me. “Have you seen my lucky pin? You know, the heart one. I can't find it anywhere and I was just wearing it during finals week.”

I step into her room which looks like a pig's barn. “Nope. Check your book bag. Or did you leave it at the bar perhaps?”

She pokes her head up from where she kneels on the floor. “I wasn't wearing it to the bar. By the way, where did you run off to last night? Did you meet a guy?”

I stifle my giggle at her as she waggles her eyebrows at me. “It got late so I came home. Sorry I didn't text you, but I wasn't in the best condition.”

Victoria stands up, crossing her arms over he chest. “You're lying because Elliot said-”

“Who's Elliot?” I interrupt her.

“Christian Grey's little brother. Well not little, he's twenty-three, but anyhow, he said that you left with Christian. Tell me about that will you. You and Mr. Grey? Oh my God! I never even saw this coming. was he you know...”

I hold up my hands. “Nothing happened like that! He took me to his hotel room because I passed out I guess. I swear it; I woke up fully clothed.”

Victoria nods her head, a smirk displayed across her face. “I totally knew you had the hots for his Anastasia. Totally knew it. That stare he gave to you while he took his photos said it all. Then you were all like gushy and girly.”

Now it's my turn to cross my arms over my chest. “Please, he was looking at the wall, not me. And are we twelve again because I do not have the hots for some arrogant, albeit hot, CEO. Like good for him he has a lot of money. You know that's not the kind of lifestyle I live.”

“No,” Vic shakes her head, “you're definintley right. Why not live the rest of your life single with ten cats and live in a cardboard box because you hate money. Top notch idea, really.”

Rolling my eyes, I walk out of the room. It's time to get to the gymnasium if we want to walk at graduation. Victoria trails after me, making kissing noises with the name Christian Grey at the end. Not like I haven't thought about kissing him, because I have. Mr. Grey would never pay me a second glance let alone kiss me. Although, I did notice how he looked at me this morning while I ate breakfast. There was something there that I can't really pinpoint. I wouldn't call it tension per say, but it was definitely something. Victoria doesn't have to know about that though. She would probably book a chapel for our wedding if she knew.

We get to the gymnasium. The place is swarmed with over five hundred graduating seniors. The scene is overwhelming but exciting. I catch a glimpse of Christian before Victoria points him out. He stands on stage with the dean in a gray tailored suit. His deep blue tie brings out the gray in his eyes. He really is nice to look at, but relationships stem far deeper than looks. Although, looks are a definite plus. That doesn't matter though; I need to be focused on the now and receiving my diploma. I just have to make sure that I don't trip or anything. Might as well salvage the minimal grace I do have for a special occasion such as this. Wouldn't want me tripping to get my diploma spread viral across YouTube for the whole world to see. Even worse, Christian would see it first hand and probably laugh to all his billionaire friends about the foolish girl he had to save.

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