Chapter 2

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Mr. Grey regards me curiosuly as I stow my notebook back inside my bag. He follows my every move with his eyes. Hiding my nerves, I fold my hands in my lap. Professionalism is the heart of conducting a successful interview. I must not sucomb to his hard stare.

“Why finance?”

“Because the economy is always chaning and it makes money. It seemed like the best choice. Don't you agree, Miss Steele?”

My mouth goes agape at his question, “Um, I don't know much about the economy. But it appears that you are thriving in the economy, so I would say you're correct.”

Mr. Grey nods approvingly.

“Next question,” I clear my throat, “what do you like to do outside of the office? To relax and clear your mind.”

He moves so he's standing up. “I fly, do manual labor, sail. The usual.”

My idea of usual is laying back with a book, not flying or sailing. “Flying?”

“I have my own private jet,” he smirks at me.

Once again, my mouth hits the floor. Of course this man has a personal jet. He's rich enough to buy my identity most likely. “Where did you grow up?”

“Denver. Next question.”

I am taken aback by his hasty answer. “Okay. Do you have any siblings?”

“A brother. A sister.”

His answers are becoming short and closed. I don't know why he's so offended by my questions. They seem like innocent enough questions to be asked. My eyes flit to the window. The sky is becoming gray, like it might storm soon. I have to drive back home and I hate driving in the rain. It's more difficult than snow in my opinion.

“Well, thank you for your time Mr. Grey. This will be printed in next weeks final edition of the paper. If you have the time to read it. You seem very busy.”

I stand up to leave, thrusting my hand towards Mr. Grey. He looks down at my hand with a sly smile. The man intimidates me. Maybe it's his success, maybe it's his looks. I don't really understand the way that I'm feeling. But if there is one thing I have to say: he reeks arrogance. Hopefully this will be the last time I'll have to encounter him. He'll probably talk to his colleagues about me when I leave. How awkward and nervous I seemed during the interview. No doubt he knows people in the journalism industry. He'll make a mockery of me for sure.

“Pleasure to have met you Miss Steele.” He holds the door open for me.

“You too.” I stare back at him and then exit the office.

The receptionist smiles at me and I bid her farewell. I look again at the door where Mr. Grey is still watching me go. He says something to the receptionist and then he's at my side.

“You forgot this,” he hands me my pen that must've slipped from my bag. His hand brushes mine and I feel it. I feel the electricity radiating between our skin.

“Thanks,” I breath.

The elevator opens and I walk in, meeting Mr. Grey's eyes. They're haunting, alluring. There's something in those eyes that tell me he's dangerous. I should stay away from him. Far away. My mind reels from the past fifteen minutes in his office. I have never been so nervous in any kind of interview. Talking to people is as easy for me as it's easy for a baker to decorate a cake. It's second nature for me. Something that I was born for. But what I'm feeling now is something else entirely, something foreign. The doors open and I walk past the front desk. I suddenly feel the need to get out of here as fast as I can. My heart is practically thumping out of my chest. It can't keep pace with my body. I run to my car where I press my head against the steering wheel. I don't know why I'm feeling this. It's like my mind has taken over for the worst. The ringing of my phone shakes me from my state of disarray.

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