Chapter 16

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I awake in a bed that's not my own. Looking around the room, I realize that is definitely not my room. It's too fancy and pristine. Getting up from the bed, I open the curtains. The early morning sun looks back at me as I take in the extravagant sight. Obviously I got a little too tipsy to go home last night. Christian must have let me stay the night. It's worth it though because I get to wake up to a sight as beautiful as the Sound. I flinch as a knock sounds on my door.

Christian peeks inside and I instantly cover my chest with my arms. Aware that I am not wearing a bra. Hmm... I wonder if he-NO.

"You didn't-we didn't?" I leave the rest of the question in the air, hoping he catches on before I have to explain it to him.

He shakes his head. "No, Ana, I was a perfect gentleman. You were pretty much unconscious."

I flush with embarrassment. "How did my, um, bra come off?"

Laughing, his entire body enters the room. "If you're wondering if I took it off, the answer is no. You must sleep take off clothes."

"That's not a thing," I laugh, thanking God that we didn't do anything that we would regret last night.

Smirking, he joins in with my laughter. "Obviously it is because that's what you seem to do. What a skill you have Miss Steele. Odd, but handy I guess. Anyway, I brought you some coffee and a plate of waffles."

"Hopefully you brought syrup with those waffles. Oh and coffee creamer for that coffee. Unlike you, I like to add some spunk to my coffee."

Christian sets the tray on the side table next to my bed. He pulls the curtains all the way open, briefly looking out into the distance as if lost in his own world. Turning back around, he regards me still standing awkwardly in place, still covering my unsupported chest. I wish he would leave so I can throw on a bra or something. A sweatshirt would work too.

"Take your time. Unless you have work today?"

"What's the day?" I ask, still slightly foggy from my night of boozing with Mr. Christian Grey.

"It's Saturday. A week from the ball."

I mentally slap my head, forgetting about the reason Christian and I are ever together. "Right. No work for me today; I start on Monday."

Christian nods his head. He starts to walk out of the room. "Enjoy your breakfast. If you need me I'll be in my office downstairs."

"You're not going to eat with me?" I ask, disappointed that he's leaving me so suddenly. I was hoping he would keep me company while I eat his food.

He shakes his head, "No, Anastasia, I have business to attend to. But if you need me, come down."

I nod my head, watching him walk out of the room. He leaves me alone with my thoughts which are all centered around the man who just left me to think. I pick at the heavy comforter on the bed. The silk sheets feel nice against my skin as I settle back against the patented headboard. This room is fit for a queen. Picking up my tray, I turn on the TV situated across from the bed. I feel like I'm staying at a high end hotel that I could never afford. The only thing missing is a rooftop pool I could retreat to after eating all the waffles. Settling on Friends. I eat my waffles by myself. Super aware that Christian is a floor below me doing who knows what he does. My curiosity gets the best of me.

"No, no I told you a million times I need it today! I don't care that you have a family dinner; you;re employed with me. Unless of course you don't want to be. I have the power to terminate you, Jenkins."

Hearing Christian so powerful makes me squirm but also is so attractive. I lean in the doorway, listening as he fights with the other end of the phone. He paces back and forth. I move out of the way so he can't see that I'm eavesdropping on him. I don't want him to get mad at me after we had such a nice time last night.

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