Chapter 2- the search

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It was the following day and Dazai was tired. Yesterday, once he dried off, he actually decided to start looking for Chuuya that night instead of waiting till the morning. Sadly he came up with nothing through his search and after hours of looking in Chuuya's favourite Spots he finally went home to sleep. He knew it wouldn't be that easy, Chuuya had been missing for two weeks already, these spots would likely have been checked by someone else (probably Koyou or Veraline) yet he still hoped he'd spot his former partner sitting down relaxing safe and sound.

To be honest Dazai was actually really worried about Chuuya being missing; He had to try his absolute hardest to keep his composure when Mori revealed out of nowhere that the hat rack was missing which was quite the challenge because the shock at the news he was given was immense, yet he managed it leaving Mori none the wiser. Once he got over the shock, he wanted to run and search for Chuuya immediately but he was interrupted by his former and current boss's enquiry into where he was going. There was no way in hell he was going to reveal that he cared even the slightest bit about Chuuya or give off the impression he could easily be swayed into doing something,so he lied. Instead of being truthful saying he was going to look for the slug, he lied and told them he was off to annoy Kunikida which wasn't a complete lie since he probably would've done that anyway. After some threats from Mori which was accompanied by a spine chilling character change of his, he finally got away and was free to look to for Chuuya to his heart's content.

Dazai had been encapsulated by the feeling of fear and worry to do with Chuuya already and the news of him missing only helped to increase that feeling. Recently Dazai had been having the same dream every night; the dream felt so real that he couldn't tell if it was just a dream or a memory he had forgotten. The dream was of him and Chuuya on a hill in one of Yokohama's grassy parks. Dazai was standing at the top of the hill and Chuuya just below him making their height difference even more prominent which was the only part of the dream that always made Dazai smirk. Chuuya was trying to tell him something but he was being annoying and not listening, instead he was teasing the small slug. He couldn't tell what either of them were saying; it was like he was watching the dream with the audio muted. Without warning Chuuya was shot in the back and fell down bleeding out but when Dazai blinked Chuuya was gone with only his hat remaining. The dream ended with something hitting his head knocking him out causing him to wake up. The worst part was that he didn't know what Chuuya was saying or where he went- the question was he dead or alive always lingered in his head. The dream was the same every time with nothing new added to fill in the gaps.

With the news that Chuuya was missing and his search for him coming up empty, Dazai was starting to believe the dream more and more. Plus it supported the theory that Chuuya was dead since if you were dead you wouldn't be found walking around Yokohama within the span of two weeks. However, Dazai did not wish to believe it was real so he continued his search for his former partner. Being the detective he was he decided to interview the people who had seen Chuuya in the days before he vanished so off to the Port Mafia headquarters he went.


It was slightly weird walking around the Port Mafia willingly; he felt out of place but at the same time it felt second nature to be here. Dazai had no problem getting into the headquarters, it was as easy as walking through the doors literally because that's what he did. He was half expecting someone to attack him the minute he placed a foot inside Mafia territory, yet no one did. Though the agency and Mafia were currently on a truce for the foreseeable future, Mori had strictly prohibited any agency member setting foot in Mafia space without a prior invitation. Therefore, Mori had likely extended that formality to him as well for the mission. Well it was either that or his reputation proceeded him still in the Mafia. He very much doubted the alternative since when he betrayed the Mafia all loyalty to him vanished from the Mafia members, except from probably one person- Akutagawa.

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