Chapter 23- A monster's past

330 11 4

Age 6

The rain was crashing down harshly on the ground. It splattered violently everywhere causing a cacophonous wreck. The noise echoed throughout the area, impossible for anyone to escape from. The noise was ear piercing and caused the hairs on the back of the neck to stand up right for anyone who was sadly nearby. It was awful and if that wasn't enough to suffer from, there were plenty other atmospheric beasts around contributing to the messy weather. Along with the rain was the gloomy sky that hovered over everything and everyone, cruelly pouring out its rain to cause havoc on whoever it pleases. Occasionally the sorrow filled sky would strikeout lighting down onto its pitiful victims whenever something seemed to anger the beast and get on it's nerves. This lighting was a sharp, savage weapon that loved to cause chaos and destruction upon anything it touches. It would rip everything to pieces in the most ferocious acts known to man and if anyone was unfortunate to witness these barbaric acts, their heart would leap out and try to run to safety. The clouds, the rain and the lighting all worked in harmony to create a vicious masterpiece.

The storm on today's night was creating a huge commotion but to two spies, it was quite a fortunate thing. This is since the raucous caused by the destructive weather managed to provide a blissful cover of noise for the spies to hide behind, which enabled them to stay completely undetected throughout their mission. They could freely stroll down the back streets of the city towards their target while their enemy remained absolutely ignorant of their presence. The harsh weather allowed for a stress free journey, meaning all they needed to concern themselves with was disposing of those in their way to obtaining the target of their mission. Due to the fact that both of the spies were pretty fit and strong, also the fact they each had powerful abilities, disposing of the enemies in their path should not be a tricky task. Now with the problem of getting their undetected being solved by the storm, this particular mission was seeming like it was going to be a breeze. Sadly, the only fault of the weather aiding the spies was the fact that one of those said spies was not a fan of the cold and of course rain brought plenty of that.

Arthur Rimbaud pulled his coat around him tighter and wrapped his arms around his shivering body in a vain attempt to trap the little remaining warmth his body was managing to hold onto still. He clung tightly onto his coat with a hopeless determination to hold onto the warmth so he would not have to surrender to the villainous cold. Nevertheless, all the warmth that was contained by his thin piece of cloth of a coat managed to slither away into the wider world, leaving him eternally shaking for the remains of their mission. A deep scowl found a home on his face as the spy finally gave up on trying to stay warm and instead he just grumpily crossed his arms and marched over to his partner ,who was already waiting patiently outside the designated building. If his partner didn't know Rimbaud's poor weakness to the cold, it would look like he was nervous for the task ahead but he knew Rimbaud too well to ever consider that as an option. Verlaine just smirked at his friend as he stormed over, but by the time he reached the building his scowl had morphed into a similar smirk as he stared up at his partner.

The building in question was a small two storey shack of a place. It had worn out walls and broken windows and doors that were hanging off their hinges. The whole place creaked as the spies walked inside, almost as if it was screaming out a warning that they were here, and if it wasn't for the raging storm outside, the two were sure they would have been noticed. Fortunately, however there was that storm causing chaos outside so the two remained unnoticed and were able to creep through the building peacefully. Each room in this place was each a similar wreck; they all had similar holes in the walls, rotting floorboards and cracked windows. It was a surprise the place was still standing, especially with that violent beast outside which was beating against the walls. Regardless of the despicable state the building was in, the two spies managed to reach the location of their target in one piece.

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