Chapter 30- All's well that ends well

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A few hours had passed since they left the battlefield but it felt like years. The fact that it was all over was still sinking in for many but now that the problem was dealt with, it felt so far away, like a distant worry that seemed silly looking back on it. It was over; there was nothing left to be done; they could finally relax and move on with their lives. Just thinking about it made a wave relief and joy wash over them all. From this point onwards things would get better, everyone would make sure of it this time, because they were all sick and tired of all the endless fighting and losses. It was time for some peace. They all had ended the battle slightly bruised and extremely exhausted but it didn't take long for everyone to gain their energy back and start looking forward to the party that was supposedly happening soon. A big celebration for all to enjoy their win and to at last have some well earned fun without having to worry about an oncoming apocalypse. It was going to be amazing, Dazai had been hyping it up ever since they left the battlefield; the waste of bandages continued to hype it up even after they departed from their subordinates and he continued to do so all the way back to Chuuya's luxurious penthouse apartment. Chuuya may have been fortunate enough to get a ride on Dazai's back for the journey home but this also meant he was stuck listening to his mackerel boyfriend babble on about the party. To be honest it wasn't as bad as the waste of bandages usual ramblings, in fact it was making him quite excited, the redhead's lips couldn't help parting for a smile as he thought about the party, so it was all well and nice to think about but he was still plenty worn out from the previous events. Thankfully, Dazai perfectly understood this and had laid him down tenderly on his bed to rest as soon as they got home.

The minute the slug's head hit the pillow he was out like a light and was enjoying a nice deserved sleep. In the meantime, Dazai decided to fill out his duty as the perfect boyfriend and take care of his chibi while he slept. To start off with, he wiped his lover down with a cloth, removing all the blood and dirt that Chuuya was too tired to think about at the moment, but would certainly be upset to see on him when he woke up, which meant this was an obvious priority. He quickly got to work at scrubbing away at the mess on his slug's body, making sure to clean him thoroughly but kindly, ensuring his sweetheart wasn't awoken once during the whole process. This wasn't too hard since Dazai was a little bit of an expert at this, due to having to do this after every time that Chuuya had used corruption in the past. His hands moved so swiftly into the old routine that it seemed like it was only yesterday when he last did this; it brought back some good old memories and Dazai couldn't help but sigh fondly as he thought over every good moment and all the good ones to come. It was sweet and nostalgic in a good way, just how Dazai liked it, and it came with the added benefit of getting to watch a cute chibi sleep. Chuuya truly was an adorable mess in slumber, when he wasn't troubled by nightmares of course, and Dazai felt very honoured to be able to witness such a perfect sight. It was the perfect payment after all his hardwork and was a big reason even in the past that he never complained about doing it.

Once Chuuya was cleansed to a sparkling spotless state, Dazai left his dog to sleep and moved on to sort out other pressing matters. First and foremost he made some calls to make sure that the preparation for the party was being sorted out smoothly. He had promised his precious slug an amazing birthday party and he would make sure to deliver on it. Just for extra measures, the mackerel called mori to 'politely' remind him that this party needed to be extraordinary and immaculate in every way for his best executive. A threat or two about bringing hell on the mafia may or may not have slipped out of his mouth during their conversation but what's done is done and he's certain Mori would produce satisfactory results now. Knowing the celebratory party was all sorted out, Dazai turned his focus to more smaller matters such as figuring out what to wear for said party. Promptly, the mackerel made his way over to Chuuya's walk in closet and did some clothes browsing. In the end he came out wearing a fine navy blue suit with a nice sky-blue shirt and a complimenting maroon tie. It fit snugly like a glove; in fact it fit so well he was heavily suspicious that it was bought for him. Only the chibi would know his exact measurements so well to get a suit made and bought behind his back but how could he complain, especially when he's the very same. Not forgetting about his chibi, Dazai laid out a similar suit but this one being a nice maroon one, with a light blue shirt and nice navy tie. If he was lucky they'd be a magnificent matching couple, else he'll just have to settle for whatever the slug decides to wear.

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