chapter 12- business as usual

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Countless hours of eternal darkness passed and Chuuya paid witness to it all. The clock ticked on but he remained perfectly still in the pitch black veil of the room. All through the night he sat awake holding onto his beloved's hand not daring to move in fear of waking the light sleeper. It didn't take a genius to know that Dazai would immediately question why Chuuya wasn't asleep and truth be told he was a rubbish liar because of that Dazai would easily see through any excuse he created meaning that option was non-existent. Therefore if he didn't want to reveal to his boyfriend that he didn't plan to sleep then he better not risk waking him up by moving. This meant that Chuuya spent the boring night stuck in the uncomfortable position he decided to lye down in when Dazai fell asleep. He knew he sat in a stupidly painful position that just screamed discomfort but it wasn't that bad when Dazai closed his eyes so he should be fine. An hour into the night he soon realised how wrong he was and immediately regretted lying down in this wretched position. Perhaps, if he wasn't too preoccupied with distracting Dazai from the nightlight situation he would probably have noticed the clear warning signs and quickly moved into a cozier arrangement. If he had moved back then maybe he wouldn't be so prickly and annoyed as he is right now but Dazai couldn't know he didn't plan to sleep so sacrifices had to be made. 

The only reason Chuuya sleeps with a nightlight was because of how it helped him sleep, by removing the resemblance to the lab that the darkness brought, for this reason Chuuya neglected to leave it on since if he wasn't going to sleep why would he need it but he never could have guessed that this neglection would cause so much uproar from Dazai. The minute he turned the light off completely he was shot with bullets of confusion from the brunette. It was as if he was ignoring the nuclear reactor malfunction by the way Dazai reacted with such looks of concern. Seriously, Dazai even prefers to sleep in pitch black darkness so why was he bringing up such a fuss over this little insignificant thing? It didn't matter to Chuuya so why did it suddenly matter to Dazai? He literally couldn't believe his reaction and was struggling to wrap his head round it. Due to Chuuya's profound belief that Dazai lacked any feeling of care towards him, he overlooked the possibility that Dazai would worry about how the lack of a night light would affect Chuuya personally so the sudden concern came out nowhere to him. Dazai raised such an extreme commotion over it that Chuuya resulted to something he wished to actually keep to himself. He revealed the mystery of their encounter at the park. He revealed his feelings towards Dazai.

His overflowing feelings, his adoration, the fact that deep down inside himself he felt something other than hatred for the mackerel, and he had just revealed it all to the very person themself. Chuuya revealed his biggest secret in order to shut Dazai up and the minute that dawned on him he internally screamed. He never intended his feelings to come out this way; he never intended them to be just a distraction... he wanted them to be more. He desperately wished for the earth to swallow him whole so his words could be forgotten but that was already too late because they did the trick and now Dazai was focused on this new announcement. Eagerly, the brunette waited for the other to elaborate and seeing as things couldn't get any worse he did. He confessed his feelings clearly to the other so it was now a worldwide fact and to his surprise it was returned. There wasn't even a moment of hesitation from the waste of bandages before he sputtered out a similar confession with earnest glee. Chuuya's heart just swelled with overwhelming joy when he heard Dazai's words; what he thought was a reckless mistake turned out to be the greatest leap in his life that he had ever made and he didn't regret an ounce of it. He had finally acted, though by accident, on the feelings that had been manifesting for the past seven years and it felt great. Just from a few words he felt loved for the first time in a while. Chuuya didn't need anything else just Dazai and he had him now. They were officially a couple and this made both their days. It filled them with enough bliss to last a lifetime. Expertly, Chuuya used this new excentric feeling that he shared with the brunette to get him to go to sleep without a second thought leaving him in the dark abyss of the bedroom.

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