Chapter 26- Love vs War

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In a fury filled rage, Ranpo violently threw his phone across the room. It smashed against the ground with a loud thud that echoed off the walls and, due to the immense force, it instantaneously broke into a million tiny pieces. His phone was now shattered but all Ranpo could do was stand frozen, staring at it, screaming in defeat. Pure waves of frustration and agony swept through the room, engulfing it in all his pain. It washed over anyone and everyone in the nearest facilities, making others share all the hurt and annoyance Ranpo felt as well. The screams were coarse and rough and just hurt to hear, the agony in them was inescapable.  Every chord and every syllable perfectly communicated each and every bit of his anger and hatred. His vicious rage burned itself into the air, surrounding the detective in a fiery pool of hatred. It was as if the pure wrath seeped out of him as an eternal flame encircling its owner, while warning onlookers of the torment to come if they dared approach. A horrendous ticking time bomb was what the detective had become, and what would happen when he finally exploded is not something anyone should wish to find out. Fortunately, Ranpo also did not wish for anyone to see that outcome so, after realising he was currently in the state of a fuse close to explosion, Ranpo took a deep breath and tried his best to control his rage. Sadly, this just resulted in louder, coarser screams that held even more pain than before. His face scrunched up with self-hatred and his fists clenched so hard they were turning white, all in pitiful attempts to hold in his rage. But who could honestly blame him; Elisabeth had got Ranpo. She had isolated him from the battle and cut him off at the direst moment, when he was needed most. She had left Ranpo powerless, miles away from the battle, unable to assist. And all of this was possible because she tactically targeted his greatest weakness... Poe!

Edgar Allen Poe, his dearest boyfriend, was currently lying unconscious in the hospital bed besides Ranpo. Too far gone to even flinch at his lover's screams of agony and hatred. He was in a critical condition and that fact was impossible to miss by the way he looked. The author's skin was pale and lifeless, his kind, timid smile was nowhere to be seen.  The warmth and love that used to irradiate from him was vacant and missed. His body was motionless, far from his usual nervousness, but loved, jitters. He had become a lonely shell of who he once was, reduced to nothing more than a monstrous sight; covered all over in wires and tubes made the poor author appear more machine than human. But sadly that was what he was diminished to, having to forcibly rely on these said machines and in a sorrowful sense become one, in order to survive. It was such a heartbreaking sight, a dull body covered in wires stuck in a hospital bed, but it was one Ranpo would more than willingly stand by because it was nowhere near as bad as the alternative. A dull and drained body was always better than no body at all. Although the doctors had currently gotten him into a stable condition, nevertheless still quite critical, Ranpo drastically feared the likely possibility of his boyfriend's state dipping and if that happened when he wasn't here, he would forever regret it. Consequently, Ranpo would remain by Poe's side like a loyal servant up until the dying moment which he wished would not be for a long time. 

Fondly, Ranpo stared down at his boyfriend and let the sight of his still alive lover wash away his anger. It got swept away under the waves of the heart monitor, a constant beeping sound that's scaring for some but reassuring to him, because it was a prominent sign of the lifeforce in Poe that was yet to vanish, and for that he was forever thankful. It constantly reminded him that his boyfriend was still here and that meant things could still get better. If Poe was still alive there was hope and that hope lightened the weight on his shoulders. In repayment for removing the weight on his back, Ranpo leant over and swept Poe's soft fringe from his eyes and sat back down, but not before placing a small kiss on his boyfriend's forehead for luck. To be honest he didn't need any such excuse to give a kiss to Poe and despite the author's current condition, Ranpo still wanted to envelop him in comforting, adoration filled kisses. To Ranpo, Poe was still his cute loving boyfriend no matter how he looked. He could still remember when they first met: Poe was hunched over slightly surrounded by timidness but the minute Ranpo approached to work on the case, the timidness was shred revealing a confident rival and though he immediately solved the case, the feeling he got when first saw him forever stayed. It was the same years later when they were reunited; the same timidness, same confidence and presence, and what he admitted to no one was that both times there was an underlying cuteness. 

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