Chapter 11- the confrontation

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Another sunny morning light shone through the window, peeking into the luxurious room through the gap in the curtains. The bright light danced through the room erasing any sign of darkness that the night light couldn't reach. The powerful rays spread themselves through the room diminishing the night light's usefulness with it's little dim light causing a bright battle to ensue, which the night light was obviously losing. During this insignificant stupid battle, more rays of sunlight washed over the room eventually gaining in magnitude to stream of Dazai's eyes awakening him.  Dazai snapped his eyes open at the sudden warmth and tried to assess his surroundings. His mind was still a little hazy from sleep but once the fog in his mind cleared away he calmed down seeing he was still in the Chibi's bedroom. It seemed after soothing Chuuya he managed to drift off to sleep as well which eased his mind knowing he won't be a sleep-deprived zombie for the day. The feeling of movement grabbed Dazai's attention so he looked down to see the redhead sleeping comfortably in his arms which caused a simple smile to rest on Dazai's face. After such a torturous night the chibi had, he was glad he was able to rest peacefully once more. Knowing that peacefulness and joy in the slug's mind would instantly fade when Dazai confronted him for answers, he decided to leave the Chibi to rest for a little longer.

While he relaxed in the peace of his dog sleeping (oh imagine how Chuuya would hit him if he was aware Dazai referred to him as a dog) his eyes wandered to the right of Chuuya. Over there, where Chuuya was previously sleeping, was the small plush sheep. He noticed the little toy when he first entered the room but quickly forgot about it since his curiosity became preoccupied with the picture frame he wasn't allowed to see. This meant that Dazai didn't even notice that Chuuya slept cuddling the plush tightly between his arms during the night; it only became removed from the tight grasp because of his fidgeting during his nightmare so it couldn't have been avoided. The fact that a particular feisty adult owned such a childish item was a surprise in itself but this wasn't the reason Dazai couldn't remove his eyes from this plush. As it turns out, this specific toy sheep was a gag gift from Dazai many years ago for Chuuya's 16th birthday. The plush was a strong white and had the little gold crown he had sewn on himself so there was no mistake in the fact this was the toy sheep Dazai had gifted the slug. Teenage Dazai thought it was a brilliant idea to give his new dog this particular item as a reminder of the life he abandoned; he even went through all the effort of sewing on a crown so the slug wouldn't forget how he use to be a stupid king to his sheep. Many nights and many drops of blood were spilled (he kept pricking his finger) making sure the gift was perfect and all his efforts paid off when he saw Chuuya's angered expression at it. To Dazai the gift was only a joke but looking back on all the effort he put in, maybe he was trying to do something nice in his twisted way and perhaps Chuuya felt similar seeing as he kept it. On second thought, the plush quite suited the chibi in his arms who was sleeping peacefully. 

Sadly the peace and tranquility couldn't last because Chuuya soon stirred awake not long after Dazai did too. The red head sleepily gazed up into Dazai's eyes keeping his head rested against the mackerel's bandaged chest. Dazai returned the smile staring happily at the cute slug in his arms making him think maybe today will go ok. However the minute Chuuya realised he was lying in Dazai's arms, his memories of the previous night came running to the front of his mind snapping him out of his dream like state. At the remembrance of the prior events during the night, he quickly removed himself from Dazai's chest. Dazai watched in shock as Chuuya scurried out of the bed in a rush pushing Dazai away without letting go of his hand to the best of his ability. Though Dazai never expected the slug to embrace the hold and adoration, it was still a big surprise to be fooled into thinking that Chuuya would return his affection to Chuuya instantly pushing him away as if they weren't happily 'cuddling'. Dazai remained frozen as he just watched Chuuya turn the night light off and rush over to open the curtains (pulling Dazai out of the bed with him). The pair continued to get ready for the morning in an awkward silence. Silently, they made the bed together with Dazai neglecting to make any joke comments; they repeated the difficult changing gymnastics but with much more awkwardness and silence. Last night's events was in the forefront of both their minds with neither knowing exactly how to address it.

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