Chapter 6- the invitation

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Dazai turned around and faced the unknown person who had spoken. Before him stood a young female who wore a pretty red satin dress with nice black heels. Her hair was pinned in a low side bun and had pretty plaits intertwined in. She stood a good few metres away from him at the entrance to the park. Her green eyes were poisonous darts paralysing her victims and she had menacing smile that chilled her victims yet Dazai stared back at the stranger perfectly calm. He instantly knew something was wrong about her the minute the hairs on the back of his neck raised. There was something familiar about her that Dazai couldn't place but was trying to work out what.

"Hello. I don't think I know you" Dazai responded with wariness,

"No but you do now. My names Elisabeth. It's Dazai, right? I've heard a lot about you." she gleamed in response making her french accent blatantly obvious.

"Your french, I have an acquaintance who is from France," Dazai pointed out while trying to figure out why she gave off a familiar aura,

"Veraline I'm guessing, well he's an acquaintance of mine as well. I guess that's something we have in common"

"Did you come to visit him?" Dazai questioned perfectly disguising his surprise that she also knew Chuuya's brother,

"Oh god no, I'd never travel so far because of him. Even he knows that, he knows me too well to be honest. The reason i came was i heard what he neglected to tell me was here" 

"and what was that?" Dazai enquired,

"That he had a brother" Elisabeth stated.

Instantly Dazai knew why she was familiar. The way she looked, the way she acted and the way she teased all echoed back to what Akutagawa had informed him of only a few moments ago. The minute she said those words the penny dropped in Dazai's mind and he knew for certain he was standing in front of Chuuya's capitor. However, unlike earlier, Dazai was completely calm with not a trace of anger in him. The previous events with the others and his former subordinates vulnerability made all his built up anger diffuse into the air around them which meant that Dazai didn't want to pummel Elisabeth to the ground now he knew who she was. This was fortunate for the both of them since it prevented Elisabeth from possibly getting hurt and allowed Dazai to remain clear headed so he could force useful information out of his new victim.

"But that's not why I came to see you." Elisabeth continued, interrupting Dazai's thought process,

"Then why did you come here?" Dazai pushed,

"To tell you this: ignore the message you were given earlier,"

"What!" Dazai queried,

"Don't say i have to spell out for you. Ignore the message Akutagawa gave you- it's outdated. You can officially continue your search for Chuuya" she spoke annoyed.

A handful of questions popped up in Dazai's mind from the new information he just processed but luckily not an ounce of anger was paired with any of them. He remained his playful mysterious self not allowing his targets words to affect him in anyway possible just like he did on any other case. Now he had a chance to find Chuuya he was determined to get answers and information, not letting his emotions get in the way and make him lose this opportunity. With a click of his fingers he was in interrogation mode with a task to do. From what she said it was clear she was the one who experimented on Akutagawa so he knew one of his objectives was to find out if what she did was reversible.

"What's the point of giving him that message for me if your going to take it back once he's told me." Dazai complained in a playful tone,

"Hey, it's not my fault that little crybaby didn't tell you until three days later. The message was meant for three days ago so now it's outdated obviously" Elisabeth retorted,

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