Chapter 28- A mystery to be solved

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Chuuya's head throbbed and ached. The pain rattled against his mind getting worse with each collision. It came in sharp bursts in various places in his head, spiking out of order to create the most intense suffering, whilst also never giving the redhead  a break from the pain. Occasionally he'd get fooled into thinking it was over; the pain would kindly simmer down into a manageable level equal to an ice-cream freeze, painful but after prolonged exposure became normal, but would sadly instantly plummet up to skyrocketing levels of pain that made thinking of anything else impossible. As it skyrocketed again, Chuuya grabbed his head with his hands pressing hard, trying to ground himself however this was incredibly difficult. The redhead could barely feel the pressure from his hands, a deep static numbness running up his limbs, and the world around appeared to be spinning at a hundred miles an hour. His feet tripped over themselves as the ground crumbled and vanished. His body dangled in a painful darkness with his eyes clamped tightly closed, unable to stand the pressure of the air around him. Soon he was falling. Air ran against his skin, pulling on his body as he raced towards an unknown location.

His ears ringed and his body ached but the pain miraculously vanished; it was replaced by a cool, comforting presence. Chuuya never collided harshly with the ground instead it was as if the ground was always there and he was just pulled from a terrifying nightmare. Compared to the previous pressure and self destructive pain of before, the ground was a cuddly cloud softening every muscle and allowing him to relax. The ground was hard but smooth against his body; it provided a refreshing coolness for his muscles to relax into and allow the pains of before to completely slither away. His ears were still ringing and his vision was blurry but things were a lot better than before. The world seemed calmer and more peaceful. He had no responsibilities here. There wasn't a world that needed saving, nor a monster to kill. Unlike earlier when his body was ripping itself apart, he was safe and nothing was expected of him... or so he thought. There was still a war raging on and a monster needing to be stopped and it was all in his hands. The responsibilities dug into him and made him laugh at his reality.

"I'm in another book." Chuuya melancholy laughed, "It wasn't fun the first time, doubt it will be this time."

Sad cries echoed out of the redhead's mouth as reality finally dawned on him. It wasn't over yet. But he wanted it to be so badly, he was tired and had had enough. Couldn't he have a break? Why couldn't she have just died? Why does he have to do more? However, no matter how badly he wanted an answer to those questions they will never come so instead Chuuya just got up on his feet and sighed. It was time to work. Everyone needed him. Dazai needed him. His sweet, sticky, annoying mackerel was waiting for him to finish this so he won't let anyone down. First things first he needed to figure out where the hell he was and then perhaps he'd be able to deduce what was required to leave this book. Similar to last time, there'd probably be some sort of mystery (Poe's specialty) that needed to be solved but he very much doubts he'd be able to shortcut it by punching his way out. Elisabeth's too irritating to do something as kind as that; she'd definitely make sure that doing something as second nature as punching his way out would disrupt the peace and result in a harder escape. Today he had to play the role of detective on his own- what a perfect way to put him outside his comfort zone!

Patiently Chuuya stood, as he waited for his vision to clear so he could get to work and put on the stupid role of the brains instead of the brawns of double black. It was annoying playing a role he wasn't accustomed to but all the same there wasn't much he could do about it. All the redhead could currently do was stare out into the room through a blurry lens. Everything he could make out so far was white, medical white. The walls and floor were perfectly clear and smooth, reflecting a perfect blurry image of him off their finely polished white tops. In the corner of the room was the only non-white thing, a large circular black smudge was all he could make out yet he didn't want to see anymore. It gave off a sickening familiar aura that made him not want to move closer at all. In fact the whole room gave off this aura, hinting at a familiar memory that Chuuya very much would like to not bring back up and instead ignore but he couldn't, he had a mystery to solve. Chuuya gulped as looked around again and saw how more details were revealed as his vision cleared. Devices of nightmares and torture that stood firmly in Chuuya's past were now surrounding him. His heart was racing and his muscles froze. His eyes dilated as he at last stared at the clear lab around him, with the very familiar tank of past in the corner. He did not want to be here anymore.

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