Chapter 19- I'll watch over you

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With a heavy heart, Dazai watched as Elisabeth walked far away from his reach disappearing into the horizon. She was gone and there was nothing he could do about it, because everything she she said was true- he couldn't trust her words as fact. Never in his life had he encountered an enemy who told the complete truth so why would she be different. Even if she did tell him the truth, that she had injected Chuuya with just a harmless toxin, he couldn't risk it; while he'd be calling for back-up to take her in, there was the possibility that Chuuya was dying and if he was wrong betting on that slim chance she wasn't lying, Chuuya would likely be dead. He just couldn't risk that. Dazai could never risk Chuuya's life, this wasn't like with corruption where he knew he could save him, no matter how slim the chance of his chibi dying would be, he'd never risk it. Dazai loved Chuuya too much and he'd only just got him back, he wasn't going to lose him now; he didn't know what he'd do with himself if  the redhead wasn't in his life. Therefore, When Elisabeth pointed out he could be dying, Dazai froze and just let her walk away. He was utterly defeated. 

Dazai let an exasperated sigh and glanced down at the slug who was 'sleeping' tranquilly, against him. Instead of dwelling on his defeat, he decided to focus on who he was going to save. What was the point of feeling frustrated at his defeat if he didn't focus on the person he gave up his win for. Still resting against the Mackerel was his beloved slug and though he looked at peace, Dazai knew he could slowly be dying so there wasn't a second to waste. Without skipping a beat, the waste of bandages gracefully scooped up his lover into his arms. He clung tightly to Chuuya as if he could lose him at any second and started to walk away from the bench that was tainted by the previous events. It would be miracle if Dazai could ever see the garden in a positive light again; what once was a safe-haven for him was now a dark of how weak he truly was. Just staring at the place disturbed him and all he could do was quicken his pace, to get out of a now haunting nightmare. Once he was out past the garden's gate, he vowed to leave memories like them in the past and instead focus on protecting and caring for Chuuya from now on. No one would be able to hurt his boyfriend again if he got his way.

While Dazai carried him, Chuuya felt immense serenity and felt completely at ease. Although his heart almost jumped out of his body at the news he could be dying (again!), the redhead knew as long as he was with Dazai, everything would be fine. Throughout his life, whenever a problem occurred for Chuuya, Dazai was always there to help fix it, and despite the fact their teenage selves would never admit that the other's assistance was to aid the other, they knew deep down that they cared. Dazai always carried Chuuya back after using corruption and nursed him back to health; Dazai would never aim to make him cry and the whenever he did, he'd feel guilty. He could still remember weirdly, the time Dazai was complaining that he wasn't even human,  and all Chuuya could do was scold the brunette because of the painful fact, that he himself didn't know if he was human or not. Chuuya will never forget the distinct look of remorse that was painted on Dazai's face, nor the comforting feeling of the hug that the mackerel gave as the redhead cried. It was all different things but anytime something happened, Dazai was always there and soon, through all the years, he had formed an unbreakable trust for the other. Even after Dazai betrayed the Mafia, Chuuya still trusted him. Dazai could always make him angry, could always make him happy, could always make him feel safe. He was always able to be himself around Dazai so it truly was no wonder that Chuuya started to fall in love with him...but how surprised he'd be, if he knew Dazai was the first to fall head over heels.


On a cold winter's night, many years ago, there was a weekly hangout in a particular bar. Inside Lupin's bar in Yokohama, there sat three young men who were all members of the fierce organisation known as the Port Mafia. They sat at the main wooden counter chatting as the bartender served their drinks, just as they did every week before. The oldest, Oda, had a glass of coffee and sat closest to the door; the second oldest, Ango, had a tall glass of whiskey and sat furthest from the door; the youngest of the trio was Dazai who sat in-between the two and had a glass of beer which he never seemed to drink. The strong bond shared between the three was clear for the world to see just by how they easily relaxed and spilled their emotions in front of each other.

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