Chapter 4- The experiment

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Akutagawa slowly opened his eyes as he awoke feeling groggy and slightly confused. A bright  light shone in his face delaying his eyes from focusing. Once his vision finally cleared he tried to look around at his surroundings. He was in a dimly lit room with the white light in his face being the only bright bulb present- "and too bright for its own good shining in my eyes" he thought. The walls of the room seemed to be tiled with shiny green and blue slabs that reflected the light that was emitted from the lamp above him which helped to light up the rest of the room.  Accompanying this tiled wall was a shiny faded white floor that looked worn out through too many restless years; it was like all the life had been drained from the once luminous floor turning it to a dull shade of grey reflecting it's now emotionless state. At the back of the room was a glass cabinet next to a desk with papers on. From what he could make out there were test tubes, chemicals and what looked like medical supplies inside. Just in front of the cabinet was a metal medical trolly that held medical scissors, scalpels and a metal bowl. Deducing from his observations he concluded that he was in a medical room with the lamp above being a surgical light.

After a few minutes of analysing his surroundings energy returned back to Akutagawa dissipating the grogginess he was once feeling prior. With this newfound energy Akutagawa attempted to get up but found he couldn't discovering his arms and legs to be tied to the (surgical) bed he was lying on. On further inspection it was revealed that he was lying naked on top of the bed, his clothes and his beloved coat was nowhere to be seen, with only a thin plastic sheet covering his privates. A cold shiver ran down his spine and his heart sank as it dawned on Akutagawa that he had no means of summoning Rashoumon leaving him completely and utterly helpless. This realisation made him struggle tirelessly against the restraints in vain attempts to free himself. His struggles caused a certain figure to appear before him who had been watching from behind; just the sight of the person erased any confusion in his head as he remembered how he saved Atsushi from them and ended up in this predicament in his place.

The person in front of him no longer was a vague figure now being only a metre away allowing Akutagawa to see the person and all their features clearly. Stood before him was a young female who appeared to be in her early twenties- "probably a similar age as my senpai's Chuuya and Dazai" he speculated. She donned a pure white med coat that was immaculately clean to a suspicious degree; it was almost screaming out she had done unspeakable things beforehand. Underneath the medical coat was a fancy red blouse accompanied by bright blue denim jeans and black ankle boots. After admiring her attire Akutagawa looked up to acknowledge her hair. Her chestnut curly locks were tied perfectly up into a high bun which had some braids intertwined in as well making her hair seem beautifully chaotic. The final thing he noticed was how her green eyes stared at him creepily accompanied by a particular hair rising smile. 

"Good, you're awake just as i finished setting everything up. How great are you" The woman gleamed at Akutagawa,

"Where are my clothes?"  Akutagawa resortingly questioned.

"Silly boy." She tutted "I'm not stupid enough to leave you with resources to use Rashoumon now am i. Do you take me for a fool?"

Akutagawa didn't know how to respond so he instead just watched as the woman grabbed the metal trolly and walked over pushing it next to his side. She towered over him menacingly and started to wipe clean her instruments. As he watched her, he felt a bad feeling grow in the pit of his stomach and he got increasingly worried of what was to come. Once she finished disinfecting the medical tools she took a scalpel and traced it across Akutagawa's bare chest causing him to shudder.

"Anyway it's much easier to get this done if you are already naked." she laughed as she continued to trace his chest with the scalpel.

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