Chapter 7- The rescue

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Dazzling, shining, beaming: The bright sun penetrated through the bedroom window resting upon Atsushi's face; its rays of cosy heat gently woke him up on this pleasant morning. Atsushi let out a cute little yawn as he awoke to the new day;he turned to his side to see Akutagawa cuddling him in his arms which filled him with glee. At the sight of his crush, and hopefully now boyfriend, a loving smile grew across his face and he thought how lucky he was to have him in his life. Over and over again, Atsushi continuously replayed the events that happened last night in hope to soak up even more of the joy and bliss he felt only some time ago. It all felt like a dream that he was somehow still living but all was well in his heart since he knew he couldn't imagine the softness of those red lips or the warmth and security he felt in their arms, proving to himself that this was in fact not a dream. He was all so snug and comfy in the bed with his lover that he couldn't even imagine leaving but the rustle of footsteps outside the bedroom door soon changed his mind.

The sound of footsteps in the kitchen instantly alerted Atsushi of Gin, who had also just woken up, and reminded him of the fact that he was supposed to have left when she returned. He definitely didn't hear the front door open and by the look of the time Atsushi was sure she had been home for hours now so there was no way of him just passing off the fact he was still here. He tensed as it dawned on him of all the gut wrenching things Gin could do to him for overstaying his welcome and this fearful realisation caused him to jump out of the bed, luckily without waking Akutagawa up. Though he knew Gin could be an extremely kind and friendly person, she was a very dangerous person when people stepped over her boundaries and he was almost certain that staying in her home longer than wanted was one of those said boundaries. 

Knowing he couldn't hide forever, Atsushi hovered his hand over the door handle and took a deep breath then opened it. To his fortune, Gin was currently in the kitchen making breakfast so had her back to him meaning he could hopefully sneak out undetected. Sadly, hope wasn't on his side because the minute he took a step towards the door she turned around to face him.  Atsushi froze! Gin stared at the weretiger from across the room keeping her eyes locked on him. However, her eyes were not filled with vicious anger and detest but compassion and kindness since unbeknownst to Atsushi she knew the two boys liked each other and was overjoyed that they finally expressed their feelings. Gin was grateful that the person that loved her brother was Atsushi because she could rest assured that her big brother would be looked after. After a few seconds she started to realise why Atsushi hadn't moved and it made her laugh that he was scared over something like that, with Atsushi now probably dating her brother. Still it made her feel a little honoured that she could still strike fear into the boy.

"Thanks for looking after him while i was gone. I would invite you to stay for breakfast but you need to get going or you'd be late to work" she chattered,

"Yeah...I don't want Kunikida to get on my back." Atsushi replied taken aback by Gin's chilled tone. He walked over to the door and put on his shoes guessing he must've miscalculated what things angered Gin.

"I'm glad you two finally got together, you'll be a cute couple" she added just as Atsushi was walking out the door. Hearing Gin's statement shook Atsushi further off guard because he was unprepared for his relationship status to be brought up so easily. But, he relaxed knowing he had the sister's blessing.

Just after the front door closed, the bedroom door swung open to reveal a still sleepy Akutagawa. He walked over to the kitchen and swiftly sat down at the table. His sister responded to this by placing a tray of delicious cooked breakfast in front of him. It consisted of both their favourites: steamed rice, miso soup, grilled fish and in the side bowl was some seasoned dried seaweed which was deemed the best part by Gin. Akutagawa stared down at the gourmet meal in front of him excited to have a proper breakfast again, having not had one for awhile because of morning or late night missions. Deep down he felt a slight sense of gratitude that he wasn't allowed to work currently or else he'd probably not get to enjoy this breakfast. After giving Akutagawa his breakfast, she promptly grabbed her tray and sat down to join her brother.

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