Chapter 10- That night

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After some difficult changing gymnastics, the two boys stood in front of each other in their pyjamas. Chuuya wore a cute little black assortment: his top was plain black except for the presence of three stars at the bottom of the slightly baggy pyjama top; his bottoms was a pair of fluffy black pyjama trousers that were covered with tiny stars creating the impression of the night sky; finally, the last piece of his nightwear assortment was a pair of black, fuzzy slipper socks which were keeping his feet toasty warm- these also had a starry pattern. Dazai wore a much more basic attire of a baggy long sleeved t-shirt and blue tracksuit bottoms, having left his silky pyjamas at home. Before he was gifted with some proper nightwear from Tanizaki siblings, Dazai would normally were this type of attire for bed and it reminded him of the times he had to stay over with Chuuya for missions which were some of his few fond memories of his Mafia days. Wearing the outfit made him feel at home. In all honesty, you'd think it would make him feel at home seeing it was his clothes. During the week Dazai was searching for Chuuya, he  occasionally dropped in on the apartment in a vain attempt to catch Chuuya coming home and  on one of those days he left some stuff just in case he decided to stay over on one of his visits which probably turned out useful now.

"Judging by your expression, I guess i'm right in assuming those are your clothes your wearing?" Chuuya chirped getting a smug nod from Dazai,

"I would complain about you breaking into my home but I'm too tired to care right now." Chuuya stated.

Dazai took that as a cue that it was time to get into bed so he wasn't surprised when Chuuya climbed in pulling him deep into the covers. The red head got settled in on the right side of the bed next to the bedside table that was holding the picture frame, which prevented Dazai from seeing the picture inside it much to his annoyance. While Chuuya got comfy on his side, Dazai decided to also get cozy inside the slugs precious bed. The bed was as snug as it looked from the outside; it was as comfy as a dream. The bed was a soft cloud transporting his body to the heavenly gates of comfort and now Dazai knew this great feeling he was shocked at how he managed to live without it for so long. He was never one to put much effort in his comfort or happiness since he saw those as things to benefit life so should be irrelevant to someone trying to end his. However, after experiencing this deluxe relaxation, he might put some deep consideration into it in the future. 

Snapping Dazai out of his comfort high was the movement of his hand, the one which was intertwined with Chuuya's, making Dazai turn to face the red head. Dazai stared deeply at the chibi and noticed how he was unaffected by the great comfort of the bed unlike him. To Dazai's observations he deduced sleeping in such heaven everyday lead to you becoming use to it and no longer surprised by the great coziness to the point you expected it- oh how Dazai wished that he could one day be use to sleeping in such a bed forever. Although Chuuya was definitely use to the comfort of his bed, Dazai could notice how Chuuya slowly relaxed further and further into the bed with happiness showing his slug hadn't experienced such comfort in a while. His heart sunk at the realisation that the short stack had been locked up for three weeks experiencing torture away from the comfort of his home and he finally understood how much that affected Chuuya. Dazai could clearly see all the subtle indications that Chuuya hadn't felt safe and secure in a while. It wasn't just how Chuuya took a little longer than average to relax but many other things. Dazai picked up on things such as how Chuuya always froze every so often as if he was prepared to be jabbed at again or the times he managed to catch his partner's facade fall and see a glimpse of vulnerability but this never lasted as Chuuya quickly covered it up just as Dazai always did himself. Howbiet, seeing as Chuuya was mainly acting fine and these little indications weren't that frequent he could only assume it was just a brief effect of suddenly being taken out of such a place where these reactions were needed to survive. It would all fade and in a few days Chuuya will be back to his annoying self. As if confirming his assumption, he watched Chuuya pull out a book from the drawer in the bedside table and resume reading from where he left off three weeks ago.

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