Chapter 29- The aftermath

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Fueled by only pure desperation, Dazai ran at full force after his boyfriend in a pitiful attempt to prevent the redhead's death. There was nothing in the world capable of stopping him now because by no means was he having the love of his life die if he could help it, regardless if that meant allowing all hell on earth to happen for him to save his silly, self-sacrificing, slug. He didn't care about that, only Chuuya, so of course it would be a simple trade for him because a life without his redhead was hell and one he was not ready for. He had already lost enough people he cared for and neither of them, especially Chuuya and Odasaku, would want him to sacrifice the world for them but here's the thing he's a selfish prick so the world be damned if he can't save Chuuya. He was going to get his dog back in his life permanently, regardless of what others wanted so good luck to anyone who'd want to stop him. This meant if the gods cared one bit for this petty planet, then they better not that this one little person die, not yet it was not his time. With all focus on the redhead, Dazai continued to speed through the battlefield after his runaway lover. It was not an easy feat due the multitude of push back forces exuding out from both the ritual markings and Chuuya himself. However this only seemed to add fuel to the fire and serve to only encourage him to continue running faster past this obstacle. He was determined to get to Chuuya before it was too late. He was going to get to Chuuya and there was nothing anyone could do to stop him; not now, not ever (he'd already made that mistake once before). His boyfriend was currently in the middle of strangling out a monster's life, which bought him plenty of time to reach the bottom of the hill. Sadly, this wasn't good enough. From this angle he could see the book before Chuuya could notice it and his heart sank in advance as he realised the other's fate. In an instant, Elisabeth snapped open the book and they were sucked in, leaving Dazai alone once more.

The bitter loneliness filled Dazai's heart, weighing it down and as his heart sank he followed suit falling to his knees. Once again he had let Chuuya slip through his fingers; once again he had lost someone he cared for; once again he had failed. Chuuya was gone and it was out of his hands now. There was nothing he could do but wait. Everything was up to Chuuya now and he hated it.  His world felt like it was falling apart and he had been pushed miles away from the comfort of others. He was isolated and lost in the mix of his sorrowful emotions. They clouded his mind and made just living, at this exact moment in time, the most painful thing for him to do. In the midst of sorrow and deep melancholy, tears broke through his decade old barriers around his emotions, just as he fell apart. They slowly glided down his face, painting him in his sadness and misery. They shimmered in the dim light of the sky, illuminating his pain. The dim cloudy sky was the perfect weather to match his emotions and the situation he was in. He had become a complete and utter mess, just bawling his eyes out on the ground. Becoming overwhelmed by his emotions, Dazai looked up at the hill at the source of his pain and pathetically crawled over to the book, that was lying at the top. He wrapped his arms tightly around the book, which was currently his boyfriend's prison, and curled up into the ball with the book safely secured in his arms, being hugged tightly to his chest. He will keep Chuuya safe, even if this was the best he could do. Rhythmically, Dazai rocked side to side as tears spilled out his eyes and as he protected his lover with his life.

In time, Dazai found a warm, comforting arm be placed around his side, which was carefully pulling him out of his tight cocoon. The broken mess of a detective looked up to meet his new companion's eyes and was met by the supporting gaze of his work partner. Kunikida in all his strength and kindness was kneeling down next to Dazai with a loving and understanding gaze. He held onto Dazai and for once made no comments or complaints but just provided a helping hand and allowed Dazai to just fall apart in his arms. He welcomed the waterfall of tears and the pained cries and all of it combined eased Kunikida's heart to see Dazai finally let it all out. After two years together, they had become people who cared for each other, good friends who would be there through thick and thin. They'd complain non-stop but they'd be there, just as Kunikida was now. Dazai was an annoying waste of bandages but also his good friend and he wouldn't let him suffer alone. The blonde detective hugged Dazai with care and affection, letting the other express all their emotions safely. Through the tears and the pained screams, Kunikida managed (with a bit of a struggle) to pull the book out from Dazai's hold so when the others hopefully returned they'd be a safe distance away. Making sure Dazai could see the book, which kept the waste of bandages mind free from worries, he placed it on the ground to the side of them. The book sat calmly situated next to the ritual markings that were still lighting up but at a slower pace now, a sight which caused them both to sigh.

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