Chapter 21- Emergency meeting

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Everyone sat patiently in the conference room of the agency as they waited for the few remaining people to arrive. The room was already filled enough with various people from the Port Mafia and ADA but there was still a few to come so they all sat in silence waiting. Chuuya and Dazai sat on the seats closest to door because, no matter the situation, the pair had deep need to always be near a route of escape which was drilled into them from a young age plus the fact Dazai was too lazy to sit anywhere than the closest seat. Akutagawa was sat safely in the corner opposite the door;  he had Gin and Atsushi sitting either side of him. They were watching over him like bodyguards and although he was unable to show it, their presence certainly eased his (currently) crazed mind. The seats against the wall were all filled with the remaining agency members, with Ranpo sitting closest to the projector ,Kyouka sitting closest to Atsushi and the rest sitting in-between. After some minutes of time passed, someone new joined the group running into the room. Sadly it was only Higuchi, who promptly took her seat next to Gin, and not the president whom everyone wished it was so the meeting could start.

A few more minutes passed by but no new people arrived. The lack of new guests and the constant waiting led to the atmosphere to grow tenser as one particular person in the room became irritated. Waves of dangerous aura was seeping out from the detective in the corner grabbing everyone's attention. In unison everyone turned to see the increasing irritation that was painted all over Ranpo's face and as time ticked it on, it only seemed to get worse. The veins on his forehead were popping out, his eyes were twitching and he was staring holes into the floor.  It was extremely obvious to everyone that Ranpo was currently a ticking time bomb and the littlest thing could easily set him off. In a unanimous agreement, they all held their breath and watched Ranpo intently. They watched as Ranpo tapped his foot violently , he tapped so hard that there was physical mark engraved in the floor, and they watched as he clenched his fist so tight it was turning white. They all continued to watch anxiously as Ranpo crushed a piece of paper into dust in his hand, whatever happened to cause that is anyone's guess. All of Ranpo's actions were gradually getting worse alongside his temper and there didn't seem to be a plausible solution. Anyone who was unfortunate enough to catch the detective's eye when he was in this irritated state received the most spine chilling glare known to man, and immediately they'd feel forced to look away; almost everyone in the room was unlucky enough to be privy to this experience. After ten or so minutes of waiting, the fury in Ranpo's heart had grown to an uncontainable level that, if the remaining members didn't walk in at that moment, Ranpo likely would've let it all out, creating a vicious storm.

The last two people to arrive, who everyone was waiting for, was the bosses of the respective agency and mafia: Fukuzawa Yukichi and Mori Ogai. The agency's president strolled it the room calmly and took his seat alongside Ranpo. Following swiftly behind Fukuzawa was Mori who had a similar commanding presence. Mori was decked out in his usual Mafia gear which was accompanied by his typical conniving smile. Without hesitation, Mori sat down in the spare seat next to Chuuya, making him next to Dazai only separated slightly by the redhead. Due to the urgency of the current meeting, neither of the soukoku pair commented on their seating arrangement. They knew full well that Ranpo currently had enough anger inside him to burn down the whole building so they knew better than to fan the flames by commenting on it. Speaking of Ranpo, he was currently fuming in the corner glaring daggers at the Port Mafia boss. It took only a few minutes for the detective to come to the conclusion that the meeting was delayed due to the inadequacies of a particular boss so, of course, he just directed his anger in the perpetrators direction. With Fukuzawa only being centimeters away, Ranpo sadly couldn't do much but glare. As an extra safety measure, Fukuzawa put his hand on Ranpo's shoulder in an attempt to quell his anger. But his attempts were all in vain and Ranpo continued to glare daggers at the Mafia boss who just stared back at him unaffected, wearing a mocking grin.

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