Chapter 15- Memory lane

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The evening sun (having peaked up away from the clouds) loomed over the pair as they walked down the streets, guiding them through the chaos of Yokohama. The cold weather enemies still continued on their relentless attacks, joining all their forces to leave the pair no escape. Fortunately, the resurface of the shining sun meant that the onslaught wasn't as harsh and henceforth was easier to face. Bright beams of warmth were sent down by the sun like a gift from heaven sent to save all below; the warmth eradicated the cold to the best of its ability, ensuring all could enjoy the spring weather for as long as possible. The pair had got out the movie theatre pretty late in the day (5:40) due to a long enthralling film. This meant the sun had very little time to aid the couple's enjoyment of the weather before it had to settle down for bed. Despite the small time limit, the sun pushed off multitudes of warmth and love as it slowly settled down the sky- it was acting as the friendliest companion they could know. Sadly, waiting patiently was the air and wind who were building up there forces ready to strike the minute the shield of the sun retreated. This also meant that anyone currently enjoying a nice walk (like a certain ginger and brunette) better make the most of the weather today, while they can.

Masking in the beautiful new warmth of the sun, Chuuya and Dazai walked down the streets with glee. They both adorned smiles of pure joy as they passed through the people rushing by and, though the sun was still shining, they were cuddled close together absorbing each others heat and love. The closeness of each other was lovely; feeling the other's warmth against their skin and their heartbeats beating together in unison relaxed them both, taking away all their worries for the time being. The walked down the streets at a steady pace, being more concerned with enjoying each other's company than noticing the shops around them. Surrounding them was an abundance of exhilarating shops filled with all sorts of wondrous trinkets that could amaze anyone with a weighty wallet. All the shops in sight each had a little thing that made you marvel at it but one particular shop stood out amongst the rest. Illuminated by the pretty colours covering its walls and the glossy articles reflecting off the display window was a quaint little clothes shop at the end of the street on the corner which had caught a certain redhead's eye. 

Mind brewing with dubious ideas, Chuuya released his tight grip around his boyfriend's waist and instead pulled him by the arm in direction of the store. Slight disappointment at Chuuya's release of his close grip shrouded Dazai's glee but this was soon replaced by the electrifying curiosity created from the sudden change in pace. He stared up at his lover, butterflies fluttering about in his chest, as he was dragged past all the fellow pedestrians. Chuuya elegantly weaved in between all the obstacles in his path, ignoring the crowd of people walking around them, moving rapidly down the street with Dazai in tow until at last he flung the other round into the shop. A moment of silence immediately followed when they reached their destination because the redhead was in desperate need of moment to catch his breath. Note to all, if you're going to race over to somewhere make sure to not exert all your energy at once else you'll be left panting adorably in the corner...or maybe that's just what Dazai thinks. Fondly, Dazai watched over his boyfriend, who was currently using the brunette as a leaning post, and squealed with elation at all the cuteness.

While he waited for his chibi lover to catch his breath, Dazai turned his attention to the shop observing its insides and trying to deduce why it had peaked the redhead's interest. From Dazai's observations he could tell it was a lavish shop indeed- definitely a place Chuuya would like. The walls of the pretty boutique were coated in a posh silver wallpaper which consisted of a silver background with large white circles overlapping each other; to accompany this wallpaper was a nicely polished oak floor (similar to to Chuuya's apartment) which had a fluffy chalk rug in the centre of the room. On top of the rug was a large grey sofa which looked awfully expensive, probably was the cost of ten times his wage. To be honest, looking round the shop at the vast range of clothes and accessories once more, it looks like everything here would be ten time his wage or more. Each piece of clothing he could see from the entrance was covered in intricate details and made of the most comfortable but also expensive fabrics. From every angle Dazai could see clothes he could only dream of wearing with the wage he has now. Places like here must be a usual spot for his little dog; perhaps he gets all his tacky hats from shops like this and maybe he's got them here before, how typical of the slug. However, looking over all the clothes again, Dazai has to admit that there are quite a few assortments he likes and wouldn't complain if he ever got the chance to wear. Although, he'd never be able to afford even the cheapest accessory here and he hates how he would actually like to buy some.

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