part 2 (1/2)

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When its deenas pov, i'll start a new paragraph and put "DP" when its sams, i'll put "SP" (i hope that makes sense!) enjoy <3
-August 15th, 1993

Deenas pov:

I woke up to my alarm clock beeping loudly, but i remembered that i didn't even set it..I groaned and sat up to josh turning it on, i rolled my eyes— "For fucks sake josh! Turn that thing off!" Josh smirked at me, acting confident "Time for school sis. Get up." He left my room and on the way out looked at me. I shot him a fake, sarcastic smile and got up to shut the door. I quickly changed and cleaned my drum sticks, then walked down stairs. Josh made waffles but we were running late so i quickly put one in my mouth and grabbed the keys, "Cmon little dude." He sighed and followed me out. I started my car and drove us to school.

We arrived and my girlfriend, Riley was waiting for me in the parking spot that i always park at. I smiled and she ran up to me, we kissed for a while and josh rolled his eyes and got to class. "I missed you..where were you yesterday Johnson?! I needed you." I sighed "For what? Oh and the explanation on that picture you sent me?" She rolled her eyes, "Thats why i needed you." I smirked and we walked to my locker, rileys was on the 5th floor and mine was on the 2nd.

"Hey lady killer" I turned and it was Kate, Simon. I have been friends with them since the 3rd grade, i met kate from being her partner in a science project. I met simon through kate. Me and kate dated in the past, 7th grade, but we knew we were just better as friends so we cut it off. I smiled, "Hey guys." Simon looked shocked and i didn't understand why.. "Who are you and what have you done with deena?" I rolled my eyes, "Yeah yeah." The school bell rang earlier than usual, we all sighed and i went my separate way.

Kate and simon had every class together, i had all of them too except first period, Math. I got to class and sat down at my seat, annoyed. For some reason i was so excited about going to school, and i didn't know why. That was until the classroom door opened, it was a familiar face. Samantha.

I almost chocked on air, i totally forgot that she existed for a second. I was half excited and half annoyed. The teacher stopped the lesson, "Oh!! I forgot! Everyone we have a new student, Samantha Fraser..Samantha why don't you join us!! Sit in that empty seat next to Deena Johnson, Deena raise your hand please." I sat there, i didn't move on inch, but instead clenched my jaw and crossed my arms. The teacher was looking at me like i was crazy. It was just awkward silence until sam said "Thats okay, i know who deena is." The strawberry blonde girl walked over, sitting in the chair next to mine, she was staring at me i could feel it. I looked over and she looked away immediately. I rolled my eyes, looking at the other side of the classroom. I heard her sigh.

I was trying hard to focus but i couldn't stop staring at the curly head brunette. How our hands brushed each others when she was handing me coffee in the coffee place she worked at, how pretty her hair looked away from her face and in a low ponytail, or how cute her height was. I couldn't stop thinking about her.. All night i searched for some social media platform that she could have, but they were all private accounts.. Am i a stalker?

I was completely in my gaze until her eyes met mine, my eyes widened and i heard a voice from the front of the room. "Samantha!" I snapped out of whatever i was in and looked at the teacher, "I- Sorry yes ma'am??" She looked at me and sighed, "Would you like someone to help you catch up?? We had an assignment last week and you can most definitely do it until we have another pop quiz!!" I nodded, "That would be great!" She smiled, "Okay i'll pick your partner.. hmmm Deena Johnson!" Deena looked up at the teacher, "What? Sorry i wasn't paying attention." The teacher sighed "You never do, Ms.Johnson" The whole class started laughing, deena groaned "Fuck all of you." Ms.Fleming replied, "HEY! LANGUAGE?!..Do you mind helping Ms.Fraser with the number talk assignment please?" I smiled, i felt my face turn red. Deena Johnson as my partner?? This will be interesting.


"Do you mind helping Ms.Fraser with the number talk assignment please?" My eyes widened and i jumped out of my chair, "ARE YOU SERIOUS??! YOU COULDN'T HAVE CHOSEN ANYONE ELSE?!" Ms.Fleming raised her eyebrows, "You can be her partner or you can take this to the principals office and call your parents." I sat down, "You know my mom is dead and my dad is a drunk, he wouldn't answer anyway...I'll be her partner." Ms.Fleming flashed me a smile, "Excellent!! Now everyone, we are gonna be testing today so get out your numbered books and turn to page 78, we only have a couple of minutes before the bell rings so try to study tonight for tomorrow's pop quiz. Ms.Johnson, Fraser, Meet me after the bell ring-" The bell rang and everyone darted out the door, me and sam stayed in our seats and Ms.Fleming came to us.


"Okay girls, so deena i will talk to all of your teachers, i want you and Samantha to work in the Library, you help her get to know some things about your classes and help her get all caught up. You guys have every class together so deena should be very helpful Ms.Fraser!" Ms.Fleming told us, i nodded and smiled in agreement. I looked at deena and she sighed. She looked hot when she was angry or annoyed. Ms.Fleming's next class was coming in so she told us to go to the library. I followed deena to the library. "This is gonna be fun." I told her as she was walking in front of me, "Totallyyy." Deena hissed.

hey!! you just finished part 2..well kinda, i will be making another part to part 2 (if that makes sense..) tell me what you think so far!! i'll update this soon :)

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