part 3

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August 16th, 1993
deenas pov:

I woke up to riley next to me, i smiled, petting her hair and giving her a tiny kiss on her forehead. I checked the time and groaned. I got up, getting ready for school, riley was suspended so she couldnt go. I left her a text and put on my jacket, a paper falling out of it. "Went home. - Sam" I sighed, putting the note in my pocket and heading to my house to pick up josh, we got to school and i told him i'd see him later.

" have been so MIA.. Where have you been?" I turned around, it was kate. "Hey kate sorry.. i uh i've just been busy." She sighed, "Hanging out with that new girl huh." She smirked. I rolled my eyes "Shes just a friend, and you know that.. Im with riley." I slammed my locker and starting walking to first period, kate followed me. "Oh.. You really dont know huh? I turned around to her, "What do you mean?" She looked down. I scoffed, "Kate what is it?!" She looked at me, its like her words were stuck in her throat. "I'll tell you later, i have to go." She ran off. "Kate wait!" The bell rang. i groaned, "Shit!" I went to first period, more scared than ever. That was until Sam walked in, not making any eye contact with me..Which was strange. She usually does.

10 Minutes of class went by, i kept staring at sam trying to get her to look back. I sighed and got a piece of paper out. I began writing quickly, "Hey are you okay?" I went up to her, there was a trash can behind her—i acted like i was throwing something away but i dropped the note on her desk. She scoffed and opened it, i watched. She read the note and crumbled it up and threw it away. I raised my eyebrows. I decided to leave her alone and wait until class was over.

The bell rang and she jumped out of her seat, darting out of the classroom fast, i followed her. "Sam." She sighed harshly and walked a little faster. I tried to keep up, "Sam are you okay??" She ignored me. "Sam. What did i do?" "Cmon talk to me-" She stopped and cut me off. "Jesus christ just leave me alone deena!!" I clenched my jaw, "Just tell me what i did!!!" She walked away. I nodded my head, "Fine!"... "Fuck." I walked the other way, looking for simon and kate. I saw kate and waved. She waved back, simon was following her. I followed them to lunch. We all sat down at our table together.

"Guys guys...Do you know whats up with sam?!" Kate raised her eyebrows "Wow no hey? How are you guys?" I sighed, "Look im sorry okay- i just- im worried about her.." Kate looked worried.. "Well i didnt hear anything." Simon nodded, "Neither did i.." I scoffed and began to bite my nails. Kate started rubbing my back, "Hey its okay.. Im sure she will forget about it." I looked up at kate, "What are you talking about? Forget about what?" Simon looked at kate. "KATE?! SHUT UP!" I lifted my head up, "Okay. What the FUCK is going on. Tell me NOW." Kate sighed, "Riley tried to..touch sam." I laughed, "What? What do you mean? Riley would never do that." Kate looked at me, "Sam told me. Everything. Riley posted a video on a secret account trying to make sam take her shirt off for a picture." Simon looked down. I clenched my jaw, "How?- How would you know?! There is no proof i-" Kate showed me the video.

My eyes began watering. All my thoughts disappearing. I knew i needed to find sam, i threw my lunch away, looking for sam. She wasnt in the lunchroom so she had to be in the library, studying. As i said, i went to the library and saw her eating her lunch in there, and reading a book.

I went up to her, she saw me and got up immediately- "Sam please." I stopped her with my hand, holding her arm. She was still a little scared, as pale as a ghost, "Deena. Let me go." She tried to push me, "Sam talk to me. Kate told me what happened." Sam looked at me, "Get away from me." I got closer to her, "Im not gonna hurt you. I just want to understand what happened." She began tearing up, "You know what happened. Now i have to get to class..Please." I clenched my jaw. Letting her go. She immediately ran out of the library.

Sam skipped all the rest of her classes, she wasn't in any of them. Without her, the day went pretty fast. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Wondering how she was doing, how i was so stupid for inviting her, how i couldn't protect her..How Riley could just do that to me, to her.

I took josh home and went to riley's. I knocked on her door, hearing footsteps immediately— She opened the door and smiled. "BABYYY HIII" She tried to hug me. I pushed her off, "Who the fuck do you think you are." She acted confused, "What?" Smoking her cigarette. I scoffed, "I saw the video. What you thinking you could just do that to sam like that?" She started laughing, "Oh is this funny to you?" I replied. She shook her head, "Yeah kinda. Cmon deena she's completely jealous of me! Of us, she's in love with you. I taught her a lesson." I bit my lip, "Are you fucking serious?? DONT EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN." She flinched, "Deena don't do this." I scoffed, "This is over. Don't ever mess with me or sam again." I Spit on her door step and got back into my car, driving off.

For the next couple of days, sam didn't show up to school at all, wasn't answering my calls or texts. I never have been so worried about amything in my entire life. Sam was important. I needed her, she needed me.

August 23rd, 1993

deenas pov:

I pulled into a empty ally, just getting done eating burger king. My phone dinged, i groaned and wiped the grease from the fries off my hands and picked up my phone, it was a text, from sam. I nearly chocked on my fry, reading it immediately, "Hey..Can we talk?" I replied instantly, "SAM! Yes yes we can, uhm can i come to your place?" She responded in seconds, "Yes." She gave me her address and i drove over their. I knocked on the door and she opened it, I began smiling, tears forming. "Hi." I cried, "Hey.." she softly smiled.

Hey!! thats it for a few days, i hope this is getting interesting for some of you.. i'll be updating in a few days :) <3

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