part 18

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Hi again, I'm not busy anymore so here is another update, finishing the last chapter.. Enjoy reading <3

August 31st, 1993
Deenas Pov:

I turned my phone off and raised my hand, "Mr.Weldon may i use the restroom?" I asked. He sighed and continued reading his book, "Go ahead." He told me. I smiled and got up, making my way to the bathroom.

I walked in, all of the stalls were closed, i looked confused, i walked all the way down. "Sam?" She opened her stall and pulled me in. She pinned me against the side of the stall inside. She got close to my face, "You think that was cool back there? What you did?"

I smirked, "What? How much you wanted me? How much you wanted me to keep going?" She sighed and stepped back. "God..You're good." I pinned her to where she was standing. I began kissing her, she kissed me back. i put my hands behind her and layed them on the top of her skirt, going down and squeezing her ass.

She groaned softly, she began kissing my neck and put her hands underneath my shirt. Raising her hands and unclipped my bra strap, her cold hands groped my hard breasts. I moaned softly. We continued making out. That was until she took her hands from under my shirt and unzipped my pants, holding my waist and putting one hand in my underwear.

I gasped and she whispered in my ear, "Shhh be a good girl for me? Hm?" She began rubbing my clit in fast paced circles. My mouth was just open, my eyebrows furrowed. I was struggling to make noises until i groaned harshly. She covered my mouth with her other hand, "What did i say? Be quiet."

My legs began to shake, she knew i was getting sensitive so she went even faster, waiting until i collapse. I finally reached my climax and sam smirked. I began slipping on the floor. My thighs shaking, she pulled her fingers out, licking them. I waited to catch my breath and sam chuckled softly, "Get yourself cleaned up hm?" She opened the stall and walked out.

I rolled my eyes, "Fuck." I got up a few minutes later and the bell rang, i pulled my pants down and cleaned myself up. Throwing the paper towels away. I sighed and walked to my last period, grabbing my binder. Mr.Weldon shook his head and i nodded, walking to lunch. Sam met me at my locker, smirking. "Hey." She told me, i looked at her and rolled my eyes playfully. "We aren't done." She nodded, "I wasn't done either, you think that was it?"

I bit my lip and we walked to lunch. We got our food and sat outside just like we always have, i wasn't really hungry. "Are you gonna eat?" I shook my head, "No.. Im pretty full from earlier." She choked on her fry, drinking her water. "Oh.. Right." She was red and looked down. I smirked.

Me and sam continued talking, until a administrator came up to us. "Deena Johnson, Samantha Fraser? Come with me." We were confused and got up, throwing our lunch away. We followed the administrator and we got to the principal's office. I was always in here so i was pretty used to it. I looked over and sam was as pale as a ghost, scared.

They sat us down and Ms.Kelly, the principle sat down with us. "So, i found some footage from Mr.Weldon's class camera." Sam gulped harshly, i smirked and chuckled softly. Looking down. "I'm sorry is something funny Ms.Johnson?" I rolled my eyes and looked back at her, "Because this action is very inappropriate." She told us.

She showed us the footage, it was me getting under the desk, from the angle you can see what i was doing. Sam began to get very shaky, her eyes bloodshot red. I sighed, "Shit." I whispered under my breath.

"This is very immature, and not educational.. I will be calling your parents, both of you." She told us, Sam cut her off, "Please. Please don't, my mom..She can't see this. She doesn't even know that i'm-" "Silence!" Mrs.Kelly shouted, "I don't care, i made my decision and thats final."

I rolled my eyes, "Please Mrs.Kelly..We will do anything, any punishment at all..Just please, please don't show Sam's parents." Mrs.Kelly thought about this for a minute, "Fine. Only on one condition." Sam leaned in, interested in the punishment. "You take my mother to her doctor appointment today, and tomorrow. You pick her up in whatever vehicle you have and you drop her off." Me and sam looked at each other.

We shrugged and looked at Mrs.Kelly, "Okay." We both said. She nodded, "Okay now bye, go to class." Come see me before you go so i can give you the address. We nodded and got up, walking out. We began laughing when we were far away from her office, "How the fuck did we get away with that?!?" Sam asked, "I have no fucking idea.. That was insane." "Totally!" Sam exclaimed.

"We'll i'm skipping last hour, meet you at her office?" I told sam, she nodded. "You got it Johnson." We hugged and then went our separate ways. I went into the bathroom, locking myself in a stall and just standing, scrolling through my phone.

Until i get a text message? It was from sam..

*One imagine*
I miss you

I hesitated and opened the picture she took a picture of her thighs, one of her hands smashed between her inner thighs. I smirked and shook my head. "That little horny bitch." I said under my breath, i couldn't help but chuckled.

                                          You just wait. We aren't done.

I sent the message and we just kinda went back and forth, soon after that the bell finally rang. I sighed of relief and walked to Mrs.Kelly's office, i waited about 5 minutes and sam finally came. "What took you so long?" I asked. "Traffic." She said sighing. We giggled and Mrs.Kelly came out, she handed us the address to her mothers house.

"Don't make a fool out of me Johnson, Fraser..I'm counting on you two." She told us, we nodded and went to our lockers. I went to sam's since i didn't care to grab my binder, we walked to my car. I opened the door for her as always. "Alright, lets do this thing." We gave each other high fives and drove to Mrs.Kelly's mothers house.

Hey guys, sorry this chapter is pretty boring but i have many more ideas for my upcoming chapters.. until the next update! <3

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