part 6

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hey, up i updated again..i cant ever make up my mind lol but i hope you enjoy!! (this is continuing from part 5!!) <3

August 24th, 1993
Deenas pov

"So..What was it you wanted to talk about?" i asked. Sam looked at the ceiling, thinking. I heard her sigh, "Well. I just i think i made the other night..Seem wrong? If that makes sense..Well i-i didn't..NOT like it.. Like i just was stuck, confused." I furrowed my eyebrows, sitting up— "What do you mean?" She sat up also. "I-i don't know i just, i didn't know h-how to react. Like i wanted to- keep going." I raised my eyebrows, "You can."

She looked at me, then down. She put a strand of her hair behind her ear, "I just felt like...It happened too quickly you know?" I nodded, "I understand.." She looked at me, "But i think that- i think..I really like you deena." I smiled at her, "I like you too." She chuckled softly, "I don't think you know what i mean." I furrowed my eyebrows, "I think i do." She looked at me, nodding slowly, "Oh." Sam said softly. I sighed "Oh?" She began playing with her hands, "Well..What now." I began to bite the inside of my cheek, "I don't know...All i know is, that this feels right." She looked at me, "It does." She kept looking at me, usually she cant ever keep eye contact with me because of how flustered she'd act around me..It was cute.

A few minutes had past, just looking at each other. Admiring our beautiful features, i got a little closer to her, "Is this okay?" She nodded immediately, gulping harshly. I looked down at her hands, i placed one of mine on top of hers. I looked back at her, "Can i ask you something?" She licked her lips, "Hm?" I sat there for a moment, wondering if this was the right thing to ask at the right moment. "Can i..Kiss you?" She shut her eyes, opening them back up instantly. "Mhm." I smirked, shutting my eyes and connecting our lips. This kiss was longer, i felt my heart beating out lf my chest, after all of these nights thinking of her in different ways i finally got to meet those lips again.

We kissed for a hot minute and stopped, our eyes still closed. We were breathing heavily, our hot breaths going in and out through our mouths. I licked my lips and kissed her again, more passionately. I heard her moan softly, our movements becoming a bit more curious. Sam pulled my hips to where i was now sitting on her lap, our lips not breaking. I felt her hands suddenly go under my shirt, her cold hands touching my olive skin. My breathing hitched, she was messing with my bra strap, kissing my neck. I threw my head back, becoming a moaning mess. I felt her lips on my neck turn into a smile, "I've never seen you this desperate ...Its hot." I shook my head and smiled, Shut up."

We made out for about 10 minutes, i layed her down on the bed and kissed her chest, hearing her sigh. I kissed every inch of her body till i got to her shorts, looking up at her. Our eyes met, i asked—"Can i?" She sat there for a minute and nodded, i nodded and unbuttoned her shorts, i pulled them down- sam wiggling to get them off. I threw them on the floor somewhere, i noticed what she was wearing, "Blue lace huh? My favorite." She bit her lip, her hands laying besides her. I slowly gripped her thighs and spreaded them. I pulled her underwear over just a little bit, seeing the skin i have been dreaming of. I put my tongue on her clit, she softly moaned instantly. I felt her pushing my head more into her, i couldn't help but pool in my panties myself, wanting to touch her as much as i could.

That was until a loud bang on the bedroom door, a person trying to come in, we stopped instantly. Sam looking at me with crazy eyes, i picked up her shorts handing them to her. I got up and ran to the door, whispering, "SHIT" I shouted, "UH YEAH JUST A MINUTE!!" I waited until sam was dressed and i opened the door, it was a dude and a girl "This is our room. Get out." I grabbed sam's hand and we ran out, laughing. We went downstairs to find Kate and Simon and we couldn't find them. Sam stopped me, "Maybe we should just go home, i found this in my jacket." Sam handed me a note, "We left y'all were too busy making out we didn't want to interrupt LOL-K&S" I rolled my eyes and nodded, "Lets go."

Me and sam walked to my car, i opened the door for her and walked to my side. I sat down sighing, smiling at her. "Want me to take you home?" She nodded, "That would be great." I nodded and took her home, "Wait deena park 3 houses down, my mom came back yesterday and she doesn't know i sneaked out." I understood and did as she said. I pulled up to a house close to hers.

I parked and looked at her, Well i'll see you Wednesday?" (we had a 5 day weekend) She furrowed her eyebrows, "Are you crazy? You think i wouldn't miss you on the weekend?!" I chuckled, she smiled at me. I couldn't help but admire those dimples again. "I'll see you tomorrow." She said. She got close to me and kissed me, then smiled. I blushed and she got out of the car. I waited until she got in her house okay and i squealed, saying under my breath "YES!" I bit my lip, smiling and drove home.

This was so bad im so sorry- Okay okay im done with updates for tonight/today, (its 12am rn) I'll update later hopefully!! I hope you enjoyed part 6 of "Stalker" <3

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