part 9

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Hey guys!! you have made it to chapter 9!! This story will most likely be a long one..i have so much more ideas recently and im super ready to add them to my story!! This is continuing the last part, Enjoy reading <3

August 27th, 1993
Deenas pov

—-We didn't finish our drinks so we decided to take them on the go, we left and were stranded. "Fuck" We both said. Sam took out her phone, "I'll call a cab-" I cut her off, "No no its okay, i'll just call Kate and Simon, i'm sure they can pick us up.." Sam nodded and put her phone back in her pocket, siping on her coke. I got out my phone and dialed kate's number, putting it on speaker. It rang for a few, me and sam started to get a little chilly,

"Hey lady killer." I rolled my eyes playfully, "Hey what's up?" She sat there for a minute, "You called me?..." I giggled, "Oh shit! Right- yeah uhm are you free by any chance?" I whispered to sam, "I feel high" We both started laughing again and Kate laughed too, "What are you two up to??" I sighed, "Nothing! So are you??" I asked. "Yeah, what do you need? Toys for you and sam? I don't have the perfect ones but i got rubber, hard, some vibrat-" I gasped, "KATE??!??? YOUR ON SPEAKER YOU DUMBASS.." Kate hanged up, sam began laughing uncontrollably. I got embarrassed but i laughed my ass off also.

I texted her, "Can you come get me and sam? We are at burger king." I sent her a pic of me and sam posing together. She replied, "Omw." While me and sam where waiting we played a game, we would each take turns singing one of the pixies songs, and when each player stopped the other had to finish the sentence, or guess the song. Me and sam began to sing at the same time, "Hey!.." We looked at each other knowing the exact song we were both singing, we giggled and continued, "BEEN TRYING TO MEET YOU....MMMMM HEY MUST BE A DEVIL BETWEEN US-"

Kate pulled up with Simon in the passenger seat, while we were singing and me and sam looked at each other, we laughed again and sam pissed her pants a little. "Sam!!!" We continued laughing and Kate sighed, "Cmon you whores!! Get in already!" Me and sam widened our eyes and whispering in each others ears while getting in the back seat. Simon looked at us, "They look drunk" Kate laughed, "Probably are." Me and sam sighed, our cheeks hurting from so much laughter. We didn't care though, we had a fun night.

Kate looked at me confused, "What?" She sighed, "Where are we going?" I realized, "OHHH uhm-" I looked at sam, "Do you have to go home or?" Sam shook her head, "No i can stay at your place or- its up to you.." I looked at Kate, "Just go to my place." Kate nodded and drove to my house. We arrived at my house and i was about to get out then Kate shouted my name, "You still coming to my house this weekend? With josh too?" I smiled, "Of course." I got out and then let sam get out.

We walked to my house, still gossiping about those cheeseburgers and those cokes we didn't finish. We got to my front door and before i got to touch the lock, sam stopped me. "Deena?" I looked at her and smiled softly, "Y-yeah?" She bit her lip, "I-i don't know i just wanted to say..Thank you. For giving me another chance.." I sighed, "I love you d..I really do."
She told me. "I love you too sam." We giggled and i pulled her into my embrace. We kissed, we totally forgot we were outside and our kisses got a little too curious.. She pushed me off a bit, "Let's get inside yeah?" She told me breathing heavy. I nodded "Y-yeah" I gave her one more kiss before putting the key in the lock, trying to open the door quickly.

I finally got the door opened, i sighed. I let sam in first, and i remembered that josh was with his friends from his study group. I shut the door and turned back to sam, she was biting her lip looking at me. I leaned back into her, kissing her. I pushed her against the wall, a little to hard and a panting fell to the ground. "Shit!" I shouted, we looked at the floor, then back at each other laughing, i kissed her again. She pulled away, "Wait..Isn't your brother here? Or your dad?" She told me. I shook my head, "Josh is at a study group and my dad is always working late." She nodded and we kissed each other while walking to my room, our lips not pulling apart.

We got in my room and i slammed sam against the door after i shut it, tugging at her cheer outfit top, "Can i?" She nodded and raised her arms up. I pulled it off, she was just in her skirt, and bra. She kissed me, then pulling away. "Y-you too.." She unbuttoned my band outfit top, she pushed me onto my bed. Getting on top of me. We continued making out for god knows how long. I put my hands under her skirt, squeezing her ass, she moaned in my mouth.. I wanted to hear more, i unzipped her skirt, looking at her. She looked at my movements, moving to the side, letting me finish what i was doing. I turned over, pulling off her skirt. As soon as i got it off of her, she pulled of my pants, i got on top of her.

Sam began to kiss my neck, i smiled, starting to lose my breath. She starting sucking my skin and i gasped softly, she looked at me, "Can i leave a mark?" I nodded. She went back to what she was doing and left a few marks for me to find later. I groped her through her bra. She sucked in a breath. Our sloppy makeout session went on for a while, that was until we heard a door open, it wasn't mine..But i was the front door.

Me sam looked at each other, groaning. "I think its josh.." She looked at me kissing my cheek, "He won't bother uss" That was until my bedroom door opened. It was josh, he gasped and covered his eyes, "S-sorry uh i just wanted to say that i'm home- i'll leave you guys alone now-" And before i got to say anything he shut the door. I kissed sam on the cheek, "I should go check on him.." She snuggled her face into my neck, "Hm?" I smiled, loving the feeling of her so close to me. "Sam, i need to check on him, i'll be back okay?" I kissed her on her forehead, she groaned and nodded. She let me get up and i threw a random purple t-shirt on.

I went down stairs, putting my hair in a ponytail. I saw josh in the kitchen. "Josh?" He looked at me, "Hey." I smiled softly, "Hi...How was the meeting?" He nodded, "It was good." I nodded, "That's good..You still up to go to Kate's this weekend with me?" He smiled, "Definitely." I nodded and he poured himself some orange juice, walking to his room. "Josh!" I called for him, he turned around and sipped his drink, "What's up?" I chuckled, "I love you little dude, goodnight.." He smiled, "Goodnight deena." And walked to his room.

I went back to my room, sam was wearing one of my t-shirts, with some dark gray tiny shorts underneath, she was laying down, staring at me and smiling. I smiled, We giggled and i walked to the bed, laying by her. She sighed and put her leg over mine, putting her hand on my chest and digging her face into my neck. "I love you." She told me. I looked at her, "I love you too." We both stared at each other until we drifted to sleep.

Wow this took forever- the amount of breaks i took is unreal..Okay anyways this is the end of chapter 9!! Let me know how you like "Stalker" So far!! Thank you for your support <33

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