part 23

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*PLEASE READ!!* Hey guys! This is the last chapter of this story..Thank you for all of the positive feedback you guys have been giving me, this is my first book and you all seem to really like it..

I know a lot of you enjoy this story and don't want it to end but i have ran out of ideas and motivation to continue 'Stalker' I will be making a new story after this one, i love you <3 okay okay enjoy reading now!!

November 13th, 1993
Sam's pov:

The drive to burger king was silent.. Thinking of what to say without Deena blaming me for everything. I don't even think she still has feelings for me, i mean after all of this i wouldn't either.. But i still love her, and i think...That- i always will..

We made contact here and there but everytime i caught her eye she would roll her eyes and look the other way.. I decided to just not talk and wait till we got to the restaurant.

Soon we arrived, at the place we had our very first date at. One of my favorite nights ever, i could never possibly forget it.. We sat down at the tables, waiting to be approached by a waitress. Deena sighed, leaning back on the seat avoiding my eye.

"So why did you bring me here?" I asked her politely. She finally looked at me, "To catch up?" She exclaimed. I sighed, "Okay..So how have you been?" I asked. She licked her lips and sat up, "I'm fine." I nodded.

"Good morning ladies, how may i help you?" The waitress asked, "Water please." I told her. Deena scoffed, "Coffee would be nice." The waitress nodded, "Is that all?" We both nodded and she went to go get our drinks.

"So, you still talk to jack?" She asked me. I shook my head, "I haven't for a while..You know that?" I told her confused, "Well things change and i didn't know." She replied. I nodded, "You still friends with Kate and Simon?" I asked her. She looked at me, "Always."

We had a pretty dry conversation, our drinks finally arrived and we talked for a couple more hours. Her shell finally broke once we were talking about our high school memories, all the things we did together and how we got away with it. The car sex while waiting for Principal Kelly's mom. Everything felt okay again..

We laughed, it's been so long since i've seen her smile.. I'm so glad i got to see it one last time again. We soon ended up getting food from being so hungry, eating our favorite. Cheeseburgers and french fries. But now the time has come, maybe this is the end.. Unless she wants to, try again?..

We both walked out of the place, smashing fries in our mouths and laughing. We got in Deena's car, we both sighed of relief. "I'm glad i got to see you again." I whispered. She looked at me, her smile fading.. "Me too.." She told me. She looked back at the steering wheel and interrupted the silence.

"I want to take you somewhere." She responded, putting the gear shift in drive. I nodded and she drove off. I tried to be aware of my surroundings, trying to see where she was going.. The drive was about 40 minutes, we arrived in.. Sunnyvale??

I looked over at Deena, "Deena- why are we here?" I began to worry. She sighed, "Relax.. I know what i'm doing." I sighed angrily, wondering what the fuck we are doing. We arrived at a, football field? Then it all hit me.. This was the game that me and Deena first started dating.

I smiled and got out the car, seeing the bleachers we kissed at. The game of when i got to see Deena play the drums and us both being able to cheer for each other. She got out the car, getting in front of me, "Cmon." She grabbed my hand and we sat at the top of the bleachers, just star gazing. It was around 7pm and already getting dark.

It was about 10 minutes of silence, just whispering and pointing out the stars. I turned to her, she soon caught me staring and looked back. I looked down, playing with my hands. "What's happened to us." I whispered. She looked down, sighing sadly. "I don't know." She told me.

I shook my head, "Deena?" She looked up at me. "Hm?" She mumbled.. I sighed, "I think i still love you." I exclaimed. I didn't get a response, "I mean it's fine if you don't feel the same way anymore i just- i just wanted you to know that.. I'm not giving up on this, us.."

She frowned, "But you already gave up on me." She replied sadly. I looked at her, "I haven't.. I was just stuck. Like i couldn't move forward, and my mom..Was such a bitch to you." I told her. She nodded, "Yeah..She was." Deena sniffed.

"Deena?" I asked. She looked up at me again, furrowing her eyebrows. "Do you think..That- maybe like.. We could, try this one more time?" I whispered. She sat there for a moment, "I don't know.. I think i need a bit more time before that can happen.. And i love you too.. I always have." She exclaimed.

I nodded, understanding. "You can take as long as you need, i will wait as long as it takes.. I just want you." I told her seriously. She nodded, brushing my hand with hers. I got goosebumps to the touch, her hands were freezing cold. We rested foreheads, taking in each others scent. Just letting ourselves know that we can possibly fix this.

Soon after, we pulled apart and just stared at each other. I kept looking at her lips, wanting to kiss her so bad.. We just felt the cold air in throughout our hot breaths. I looked at her lips again, and she looked at mine. I gulped harshly and hesitated.. Then just decided to ask. I looked at her eyes, "Can..If its okay, could i.. kiss you?" I whispered. She just sat there, then nodding. "I'd like that." She replied softly.

We just admired our faces, then getting closer every 5-10 seconds..Taking it slow. We soon began to shut our eyes, i tilted my head..We just were breathing then i decided to get a bit more closer to her face and felt her lips on mine. I slowly kissed her back, kissing her instead of breathing. We kissed for a long time, longer than ever before..

We finally pulled away, our lips leaving each other with a noise, breathing heavily.. Loosing our breaths since we kissed so long. We just stared at each other, and i blushed. Deena put her hand on my cheek, smiling softly and we kissed again. We kissed much faster this time. One, Two, Three, Four, Five? More kisses.. It eventually turned into a make out session.

We haven't done this for so long, it felt so good.. We continued making out until Deena slid her tongue in my mouth, us both moaning. Deena put her hand on my waist, close to my ass.

She squeezed my ass a bit, i moaned. I put my hand between her thighs, trying to unzip her pants. She looked down at my hand, waiting to be touched. She was breathing heavily and biting her lip, whimpering. I finally got the zipper down until a light flashed in our faces.

We both gasped, looking to the side and covering our faces. "What the fuck!" Deena shouted. It was a cop, "What are you two doing out here? Who are you? Get out of here!! This is private school property!!" The man shouted, "Okay okay jeez we are sorry- fuck. We will leave but can you put the goddamn light down please?" Deena groaned.

The man walked away and we looked at each other. We began laughing, we ran to Deena's car. We got in her car and she drove off. We were still laughing, "We almost got caught..that was close Deena." She sighed, "Ahh were good." We drove back to shadyside, "So do you want me to drop you off to your place or?" Deena asked, curiously. I nodded, "Yeah, if thats cool." I replied.

Deena nodded, "Of course." I gave her my address and she took me home. She parked the car, "Woah its nice!" She looked at my apartment, i sighed "I guess?" We both giggled. "So..I'll see you tomorrow?" Deena asked awkwardly. I got out of her car, turning to her. "You got it." We both smiled. Things were finally back to normal again.

Hey!!! Omg okay kinda sad that this story has ended but i'm so so relieved just as much as you. I'm glad that Sam and Deena are giving each other another chance, I'm sure they don't regret it at all, finally living in peace. Being able to love each other no matter who doubts them.

Thank you guys for helping me through this journey! It has been so fun making this book and i'm so glad you guys enjoy it too. And that's a wrap for 'Stalker' Let me know you're opinions on the book and maybe what i could have done better? Just some tips if you'd like, or you don't even have too.. Okay enough talking jade jesus-

I am making another book soon, it will be on kiana's other role 'Moe Truax' From the netflix tv show "Trinkets." And 'Heather Nill' From the tv show "Panic" On amazon prime. <3

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