part 14

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Hey guys!! Continuing chapter 13, as always— Enjoy reading <3

August 30th, 1993
Sams pov:

The rest of the school day was just me thinking of Deena, still upset that she stopped whatever she was doing in that bathroom. She basically laughed at me, teasing me for the rest of the day.

Me and jack went to my house, josh smelled like mud since he had one of his football games today. "Hey i'm gonna go take a shower." He told me, "Okay." I told him, he kissed me. I giggled and he got up and walked his self to the bathroom. I scrolled on my phone for a few minutes because he takes like 30 minute showers.

I was scrolling on instagram until i got a notification, "DeenaMJohnson mentioned you in a story" I smiled softly, and opened the story. It was a picture of us when we had that burger king date. "I love you most" Is what she put on it. I wanted to cry right then and there.. I still love her but she did fucked me up. I just liked the message and continued scrolling.

Deena texted me, "Hey." I didn't answer the message, so she texted again. "Still ignoring me huh?" I rolled my eyes and shut my phone off, watching tv. About 5 minutes had passed and i got a message from her,

*One imagine*

I opened the message and softly gasped. It was a picture of her wearing a white shirt that made her breasts look hard. She had her hand in her underwear, i could only see half of her face. I unzipped my skirt instantly. Making small whimpers, i began to touch myself looking at the image. She texted me again, "Let me see you." I bit my lip and took off my shirt, leaving me in a baby pink bra, i posed my phone so she saw my chest and where my hand was.

I snapped the picture and sent it. She read it instantly.

Fuck you're so beautiful.
    You thinking of me hm?
Good. Don't stop baby.

We continued our sexting until my bedroom light turned on, i gasped and looked over.. It was Jack.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I covered myself and he snatched my phone instantly, reading the messages. He clenched his jaw, "Oh so you're fucking around with her again huh?" I got scared. "N-no!! Its not what it looks like!!" He snatched me out of bed, "Look at you!! Touching yourself for some whore! You slut!" He picked me up and slammed me against the wall. I began crying, he smacked me.

I tried to push him away but he let me go and walked out of my bedroom door. I was confused, until i began crying again. Putting my shirt on. I got my phone and deena was still sexting me, asking where i was at. I called her. She answered, "Sam.." I sniffed, "Deena..Could you come get me? Please. It's jack." She stood there for a second, "Fuck. On my way"

We hanged up and i got ready. I just put on a sweater and some shorts underneath, going to the living room waiting by the door. Jack came from the kitchen, "Coming back for my apology already?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes, "No. why would i? You just hit me. Im waiting for a friend."

He sat his food down, and pinned me against the wall, "Jack. Let me go." I told him, "You aren't leaving until you give me a FUCKING apology samantha." He shouted to me. He put his hands around my neck, not chocking but gripping it. I began coughing, "Let me go. What has gotten into you??"

He just kept smelling my hair and putting his tongue all over my neck, i was crying..Well trying not to. That was until there was a honk outside, i checked my phone and Deena texted, "Here." Jack looked out the window then looked back at me, "When you get home. I want an apology, and i want to tap that ass."

I clenched my jaw, "You aren't getting shit." I walked out and he slammed the door on me. Deena was by the passenger side, waiting for me. I walked over to her and her soft smile went instantly to a frown. "Sam oh my god-" She felt my face and saw the smack that left a mark, "D-did he do this to you?!!?" I shook my head, "It's fine- lets just get out of here-" She shook her head, "Fuck that." She began walking up to the door, i grabbed her arm.

"Sam let go!" I shook my head, "No!! Deena please." She tried to get out of my grip, "DEENA!!!" I shouted at her. She looked at me, "What?" I bit my lip, "Please. Don't go..He will hurt me again, and do the same to you.." She frowned, "That's bullshit. He shouldn't be treating you like th-" "Deena! Please." She sighed, looking at my home then back at me. "Okay.."

She opened the door for me and let me get in the passenger seat. She closed the door gently and rushed to her side, she hopped in and drove off. The car ride to her house was silent. We made eye contact here and there but didn't talk. We arrived to her house and we walked to the door, she opened the door and josh was watching tv. He saw me walk in with Deena and got up.

"Sam?" He told me, i smiled and waved. "Hey josh." He looked confused, Deena rolled her eyes— "Go back to you're gaming." I couldn't blame him, it was the first time he saw me after that night at Kate's. Deena walked to her room and i followed her. She took of her jacket, throwing it somewhere on her floor. She sat on her bed and i followed.

"Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded, "Yeah..I don't want to talk about it, i just want things off my mind.. Something else to talk or worry about you know?" I told her. She nodded, "Can i get you anything or?" She asked. I shook my head, "No i'm good.." She looked at me, smirking. "So..About that picture?"

Updating tomorrow or saturday, (not 100% sure but yeah) let me know what you think of "Stalker" So far :)

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