part 8 (2/3)

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Hey!! This is part two of part 8, as promised. I hope you enjoy!! (I really like this chapter) Enjoy reading!! <33

August 27th, 1993
Deenas pov:

I woke up to faded music in my ears, i rubbed my eyes and turned the music off. I sat up and stretched. Yawning and smelling my breath through my nose, i groaned, my face saying "ew" I got up and went to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. I brushed my hair and decided to leave it down today. I went to my room, putting on a gray long sleeve, with a maroon shirt over it. I walked down stairs, josh watching tv. He was ready, as always. I smiled in "aww" I grabbed the keys, "Cmon little dude." He nodded and shut off the tv, following my lead to the car.

The drive to school was silent, i parked the car and he was about to get out, "Wait!" Josh looked at me, "Yeah?" I looked at him, "Are you okay?" He nodded, "Yeah..I just ate too much pizza last night." I laughed softly, "Why didn't you just stay home if you aren't feeling well?" He shook his head, "Keeping good grades." I smiled, "Well i know we haven't talked much but, i do love you little bro. More than anything." He smiled, i've never seen him do that since mom died. "I love you too big sis." I got out and he did too, i gave him a hug. "Maybe this weekend, if your eyes aren't glued to your game, me, you, Simon, and Kate can go see a movie of something?" I told him. He nodded, "Seeing kate?? Im in." I rolled my eyes playfully and sighed, "Well go on, ill see you later." He nodded and went to class.

I skipped going to my locker because i already had everything. I got to first period and sat down, sam was already there, Jack wasn't here today. Thank fuck. I looked at sam and she was already staring at me, as soon as she caught my eye she looked away. "Okay class today you will be working on a project, i assigned everyone partners so don't argue with me please? Im old." Mrs.Fleming told us, we all laughed. She did too, "But im serious, okay anyway. Amy F. you're with Sarah B, bella G, you are with Carla H-" I didn't really care for anyone else, i just waited until she called my name, "Deena J. Your partner is Samantha F" I looked at sam and she looked at me, i sighed and walked over to her desk, sitting in the chair next to hers.

She smiled and looked down, i sighed and set my books down. "Well this doesn't seem like a coincidence." I told her, not making eye contact. She chuckled softly, "Nope." We waited until everyone was with there partner and Mrs.Fleming handed out papers to us. Everyone was talking with their partners and me, sam where silent. I wrote my name on my paper, and sighed. "So, i got you're message last night." i told her. I felt her look at me, she nodded. "Did you like it?" I rolled my eyes playfully, "Yeah.." I slowly looked at her. She smirked, her dimples showing. "I knew it...So are you still mad?" I sighed, "Some part yes, some no." She nodded and looked at her paper.

It was about 5 minutes later, we still weren't talking, that was until sam asked, "About yesterday.." I sighed, "Why are we still talking about this." She looked at me, "Because. It looked and was taken the wrong way." I bit the inside of my cheek. She licked her lips, "Im sorry." I shook my head, saying under my breath, "Its fine." She looked confused, "What?" I said it a little louder, "Its fine sam." She nodded slowly, trying to understand. The bell rang and i got up quickly, sam stopped me and grabbed my arm gently. I looked at her confused, "So we are cool?" I nodded and she let me go. I walked out the classroom door and she followed behind me.

It was like that the rest of the day, until i totally forgot that i had a game to go to, and sam had a cheerleading game, that my band team was playing at. Life couldn't get any fucking worse. I went to gym room, getting my band outfit out of my tiny locker down there. I grabbed my drum sticks and my equipment from my car and headed to the school bus, i sat down on one of the seats and listened to the playlist sam made me. I felt fine until a girl sat down by me, pulling my headphones off of my head, i looked over quickly. It was Sam. She was wearing a blue shady side cheerleading outfit with her hair down.

She put the headphones on her head, and smiled instantly. "That's what you're listening to huh? This seat taken?" I grabbed my headphones, "You're already sitting." She chuckled softly, and looked at me up and down. I caught her eye, raising my eyebrow. "What?" She shook her head, "Nothing, you just look so good in that suit." I turned red and rolled my eyes playfully, "You don't look too bad yourself." She smiled and looked around.

It was about 20 minutes later, we arrived at the game and the cheerleaders were let off the bus first, she kissed me on the cheek, "Can't wait to watch you play, loser." And she got off quickly. I looked shocked and touched my cheek, she has never kissed me anywhere in public. I blushed madly and stuffed my headphones in my back pocket and got off the bus.

Me and my team got together on the end of the bleachers and waited. Home scored a point and the cheerleaders did their dancing, i searched for sam and finally caught her eye. She was cheering and she never looked not just like a total dork, but cute. I smiled, giggled a bit. My team knew i liked sam. They all looked at me, then the girls and shouted "WOOOOO GO SAM" I never felt more embarrassed, sam stopped dancing and looked at my team, she laughed and smiled at me. I shook my head and smiled back. "I hate you guys."

10 minutes after waiting for one of the teams to lose, home won. The cheerleaders did their final dance and me and my band played our song. The cheerleaders stopped and staring cheering for us, so did everyone at the game. Sam was clapping and smiling at me, i was trying to focus and not fuck up like i do all the time. Once our song was over, we all got off the bleachers and my team went to their friends, partners, family.

I took my drums off and sat them down with my hat and drum sticks, sam was laughing and ran up to me. She picked me up and twirled me around, we both were giggling and she put me down. "You did great out there Johnson, i'm impressed." I laughed. A dude came up behind sam, it was Jack. Since when was he a football player? I thought. "Sam" Sam turned around, gasping when she saw Jack. "Jack Hiiiii!! Omg you guys did amazing out there." Jack smiled, "You weren't bad yourself!" He hugged her, putting his arms around her waist, she hugged him back, they swayed side to side. It was a long ass hug. I got annoyed and clenched my jaw, once they were done hugging they just continued talking.

I walked off, sam didn't even notice or care. I was in some ally behind the bleachers. I sat down, not in the mood to do anything. For some reason i felt like i was gonna cry, or i wanted too. I reached out for my phone out of my pocket, clicking on the playlist sam made me. It was so comforting even when i didn't want to think about her it helped me. She has me so confused i don't know what to do. I got my headphones from out of my front pocket and put them on, canceling all of the cheering, just listening to the music. It was for about 10 minutes until i heard that one familiar voice again, i looked up. It was Sam.

Hey!! Im so in love with this chapter for some reason so im gonna make another part but it wont be until tomorrow when i make an update.. But i hope you guys are enjoying "Stalker." I will update you all soon, <3

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