part 10

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Hey!! sorry i haven't updated for like what 2 days?? i've been very busy! This chapter might not be as long but Enjoy reading <3

August 28th, 1993
9:03 am
Deenas pov:

I wake up to loud birds chirping, not shutting the hell up. The sunlight gleaming in my face, sam's face still buried in my neck, not moving. That was until she began moving, turning over on her side, facing my wall instead of me. I frowned, i curled myself up behind her, wrapping my arms around her tiny torso. "Babyy?" I whispered. She didn't answer, i get closer to her, sharing little kisses on the back of her neck. Taking in her scent, i moved my hand to her upper thigh, nothing sexual..Just admiring.

I squeezed my hand there, just a little. My hand must have been cold, sam's thigh had goosebumps to the touch. She groaned in her sleep, facing towards me again. I kissed her nose, she opened her eyes slowly. I sighed of relief, she looked at my lips..I was confused because she was staring for so long, until she finally decided to kiss me. Sam must have felt me smiling, she decided to put her tongue in my mouth. I furrowed my eyebrows, opening my eyes. Hers were closed, her cheeks were flaming red.. 'She's horny as fuck' I thought.

I began breathing heavy and trying to let her get as much of me as possible. She stopped kissing me and pulled away, i frowned. She looked down at herself, noticing a wet spot, i saw it too. She bit her lip and took off her shorts. I was confused, until she pulled my hand to her, "Touch me." I sucked in a breath, "I- are you sur-" She cut me off. "Just do it." I gulped, looking at her lower. She nodded and put my hand in her underwear.

I never have touched a girl before..Usually they were the ones touching me. But i knew what they did and how they did it, i just was scared, i didn't want to hurt sam in any way.. She is too beautiful and kind to ever be hurt.. So i followed my gut, i touched until i found that one thing that can take any girls breath away, her clit.. 'Just breathe Johnson' I told myself. I began to rub her there, just a little. Sam shut her eyes, softly moaning. She slowly began moving her hips to the pace, practically riding my fingers at this point.

Watching her made me pool in my underwear as well. She looked so hot, so needy. I began rubbing her a little faster, just speeding things up. Her mouth began to make an "o" shape. Struggling to make noises. Instead she came down on me, whimpering. She tried to not be loud, she she attacked my neck, kissing my olive skin. I got so distracted by all of her tiny kisses, i slowed down the pace and she looked at my hand. I stopped as well as the movements. She put my hand farther back and i reached her hole, she slipped my finger inside her..Then another one. Guiding my fingers in and out. She threw her head back, becoming breathless.

I groaned, seeing her hard nipples through my shirt she was wearing. Having my other hand try to take off her shirt. I struggled, so she let my fingers continue what they were doing and pulled her shirt off, i sucked in a breath. Seeing the skin i have been waiting to see for the first time. They sat so perfectly, two little pink perky breasts. I put my hand on one of them, groping it gently. She moaned, i rubbed my hand over the harden num. She tugged at my shirt next, "You too."

She put her hands behind me, i had to take my hands out of her, i raised my arms and she pulled it off of me immediately. She bit her lip and unclipped my bra strap. I gulped, hopping that she likes what she see's. I felt the straps fall off of my shoulders, i looked down. I felt her staring, i looked at her, nervous out of my mind. She smiled, "Pretty." I didn't smile because she called me that, i smiled because she was smiling. It was so contagious i couldn't help myself even if i wanted too.

She kissed me, on the lips this time. We both moaned, our tongues fighting, trying to get in each others mouths. She tugged at my curls, making me groan. I kissed her neck and she moaned. That was until my bedroom door opened, she gasped and i grabbed the blanket, covering our selfs up. I looked over, it was my dad.

I widened my eyes, he laughed, angry. He shook his head, "Breakfast is done. Come eat." and walked out. Sam looked at me, "Is that?.." I clenched my jaw. "My dad."

Me and sam got dressed, we walked to the kitchen together, embarrassed. Sam sat down with me, josh on the other side of the table. My dad handed us breakfast, kissing josh's head, then mine. I pushed him away, he scoffed. "Being a bitch already today?" I shook my head, "Fuck off John." He slammed the table, shouting at me, "Watch you're fucking mouth." I got up, "You can't tell me what to do." He smacked me, sam got up. He looked at her, "Got something to say too little slut?" She was about to say something, i got in front of her, "Just because you aren't in my life doesn't mean your gonna treat MY family like shit got that?" He got close to my face, "What are you gonna do? You're just some little depressed dyke who can't do shit."

I punched him, shouting "Get the FUCK out." He touched his face, looking at josh. Josh was just eating his food, trying to not get hit my his dad again. John scoffed and got his keys. He left. I sighed, sam hugged me from behind. Whispering in my ear, "It's okay." She made me feel like everything was going to be okay. She was my safe place, "I hate him." Josh got up looking at me, "Are you okay?" I nodded, trying to smile at him. Sam let go so i could hug him.

We finished our breakfast until josh interrupted the silence, "Deena." I looked up at him, "What's up." He looked down, setting his fork down. "Kate and Simon are throwing a party tonight at there place..Could i go? I nodded. "We can go too." Sam told him, i looked at her, "Are you sure?" She nodded and smiled. I smiled too. Josh put his plate away, "Its at 5PM" he told me. I nodded and he went to his room.

Hey guys!! That's it for this chapter, sorry i didn't update sooner, and sorry this was short..I do apologize!! Let me know what you think on "Stalker" So far!! <3

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