part 20

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*READ* Hey guys! sorry i am kinda updating a little later than i was a few days ago, but thank you for 3k reads!! that truly means so much to me :( i do appreciate all of the love!! Okay okayy enjoy reading!

September 1st, 1993
(Saturday morning)

Deenas pov:

I woke up to loud birds crashing onto sam's roof, like they were fighting for food or something. I rolled over, putting a pillow over my ear. The sound still didn't stop, i sat up and looked down at myself. I widened my eyes and looked at sam, her breasts sitting perfectly on her chest.

'Oh' I thought. I forgot that we slept naked.. I smirked, snuggling up by sam. Laying my hand on her left breast gently, just admiring the pink nub. She moved to the feeling, opening her eyes. She smiled at me, my heart melted at the sight. I couldn't do anything but smile back.

"Hey." I told her, she stretched "Hi." she exclaimed under her breath. I went closer to her face, kissing her soft lips. We both smiled between our lips, giggling. That was until there was someone apparently trying to open sam's door. We both jumped.

"Samantha?" A woman's voice outside her door, sam screeched out of bed, "Shit shit shit!!" She whispered, "Uh yeah! One second i'm fixing my bra!" She got her shirt, putting it over her head. in front of the door, looking at me. "Deena fucking hide!!" She whispered to me, i looked for my bra and ran into sam's closet. Shutting the door, sam's door opened.

"Finally." The woman said. "Sorry i came home late, breakfast is ready but i'm going to go to lary's." Sam sighed, "Okay." Sam replied. The woman looked worried, she walked around sam's room. "Mom, what are you doing?" I flashed crazy eyes. 'THAT'S HER MOM?!' I thought to myself.

"Has someone been here?" Her mother asked. Sam choked on air, "What? No..The last person that was here was jack." She exclaimed. Sam's mom nodded and picked up my shirt, "Who's this?" Sam snatched my shirt, "I bought this shirt yesterday." Sam's mom nodded and walked up to the closet door, trying to open it.

I panicked and tried to hold it closed, "Mom. Mom what are you doing?" Sam told her, before she could say anything.. The door opened. We both gasped and sam's mom looked at her. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Her mother shouted. I tried to run but her mom pushed me up against the wall. "MOM STOP!" Sam yelled.

I tried to get her to let go but she didn't move. "WHO ARE YOU?" She asked me. "OUCH- LET GO OF ME YOU CRAZY BITCH!" I kicked her mom right in her lower, "DEENA GO" Sam told me. I grabbed my keys and darted out the door. Her mom following behind me and sam yelling at her. I soon got outside. Running in a bra and long shorts. It was cold as fuck.

I got in my car and sam's mom banged on my window, i drove off panicking. Almost crying, i didn't stop driving. I soon got home, i ran inside and josh was confused, probably thinking the cops were chasing me for some kind of trouble.

I locked myself in my room i began crying, overthinking about me and sam's relationship now.. What if she tries to keep me away from her? What if she makes sam move back? All i wanted to do was cry. I got my phone to check if sam maybe texted. She didn't.. I texted her, "Hey.." She read it instantly, I sorta thought everything was okay.

Don't ever fucking text my
daughter again you filthy slut!

*This number has blocked you, try again later*

I gasped, tears slowly falling down my cheeks. I threw my phone, knowing that we definitely can't see each other. I stayed up all night, panicking. I couldn't stop thinking about sam. Wondering what the fuck is happening.. This is all my fault, now that sam's mom knows, sam probably hates me now. Im probably the last person she wants to see.

There was nothing i could do about it. I soon cried myself to sleep. Eventually giving up and letting my thoughts take over me.

September 2nd, 1993
Deenas pov:

I woke up around 10AM, my thoughts from previous hours ago already coming back to mind. I sighed sadly, getting up and deciding to take a shower. I couldn't take a long shower like i wanted too, my heart was in too much pain to where it began to hurt, putting pressure on my chest. Everything stuck and sitting in my throat. I cleaned myself quickly and got out the shower, going to my room.

I picked up my phone, checking the time. It was a message from sam. I hesitated and opened it.

Parkway park 1143, meet me there.

I didn't know if this was sam or her mother..Either way i rushed to get dressed, putting my damp hair in a ponytail. I drove there instantly, seeing sam down by the lake. I parked and ran down to her, "Sam?" She turned around with a black eye, sadly smiling at me.

We hugged, we both began letting out sobs. We stood there for a few minutes just needing shoulders to cry on for a few. I pulled back, "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." I cried. Sam shook her head looking down at my feet, "No..This is mine. I don't know why i thought it was cool for you to just come over." We sighed, "Did she do this?" I touched her face, she nodded. "It's fine." I shook my head, "It's not."

"I don't know if we can do this Deena." She told me sadly, i furrowed my eyebrows. "What..What do you mean?.." I knew what she meant, i just didn't hope it was true. "I don't know..I just- i don't think i can get past this." I looked down. Hoping this wasn't her breaking up with me. She picked my face back up, wiping my tears. "We will figure it out.. We always do."

I smiled than cried, "I don't know if we will this time." Sam sighed, "We can't think like that Deena." She whispered. "Let's just take a break, until i figure this out?" I nodded. "I don't wanna lose you." I told her, "You won't." She exclaimed. We rested foreheads, just holding each other..Maybe that will be our last time.

Hey, sorry this chapter is so short.. and that this story is slowly coming to a end.. Only about 3-5 more parts and i think it will end right there..But bare with me!! (And as promised i will be making more stories!) But until the next update, :)

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