part 12

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Hey guys!! Here is chapter 12, continuing chapter 11—Enjoy reading <3

August 28th, 1993
Sams pov:

I was okay with the kiss but deena and kate kissed for like 2 whole minutes. I noticed there tongues swirling in their mouths. I mean they were drunk but Deena is able to control herself. I sighed and walked outside. Thinking that Deena enjoyed Kates kiss more than she did me. I began to tear up a bit, isn't that cheating?! I hope that i would wake up from this terrible dream.

Deenas pov:
Once we were all done laughing, i looked back and noticed sam was gone. My smile instantly faded to confusion. I looked everywhere in the house for her until josh came up to me, "She's outside." I nodded and darted out the door. She was sitting on the tree swing, crying. I furrowed my eyebrows, walking over to her. The closer i got the more soft sobs i heard come out of her. "Sam?" I asked. She stopped sobbing instantly, and just began sniffing.

"What do you want deena." I sighed, "Look..Back there- it wasn't what you thought it was.." She looked at me, angry- "So what you just kiss all of your friends when I'm not around?? What is that normal? What the fuck deena?!" I looked down. "You don't understand-" She cut me off, "Understand what exactly!" She shouted at me. I was about to say something, but words were stuck in my throat.. I didn't know what to say about this one. I drank too much, now it was all my fault.

I went up to her and tried to kiss her, she stood for a moment but then pushed me. "Now you are acting like everything is okay?!?" I touched her arm, "Sam please-" "Don't fucking touch me!!" She shouted. I began to cry. "Im going home. We're done." She walked off and i tried following her, "Sam please." "Cmon..You don't mean it. Sam. I love you. Please!" I tried to grab her but she ran and got on the city bus. I tried to catch up but the bus already drove off.

I bit my lip and went back into the house, everyone was outside staring. "What huh?? Enjoy the show? Its fucking over." I went up to josh and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the car. "Jeez deena your hurting me!" I opened the door, "Get in the car." He nodded and i drove off. Kate and Simon waved. The car ride was silent besides my faded sobs. Josh looked at me, worried.

"Deena..So are you guys?.." I sniffed, "Not now josh. Im sorry." He understood and looked out the window. We got home and we both got out, he went to his room and i went to mine. Locking my door, i threw myself on my bed. Putting a pillow over my head so josh didn't hear my screaming of anger. I took the pillow off once i was done crying and i got out my phone. I sat up, and texted sam.

                                             Sam. Please talk to me.
                                                            Read 4:54am
                *this number has blocked you*

I clenched my jaw and threw my phone, running my hands through my hair and laying against my wall. I began sobbing. I cried until my eyes were too tired to say awake any longer.

August 29th, 1993
Deenas pov:

I woke up looking for my phone to text sam, but i remembered what i did. I sighed, getting up and getting dressed. I went down stairs and josh left a note, "Took the bus :) - Sir silence" I smiled softly, "Dork." I grabbed my keys and drove to school. I was so scared of going, sam is in all of my classes..I didn't know what i was going to do.

I walked to my first period, math. Sam was the first one in there, we all still had 5 minutes to get to class so it was just me and her. She sits in front of me, when i walked in she looked at me and looked back. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she had eye bags as blue as the color. I sighed, and sat down.

"Sam?" She didn't budge, i scoffed. "Sam please." She still didn't answer, "Sam-" She turned around. "Leave me alone deena. I told you, we're done." She turned back around. My breathing hitched, i nodded and decided to leave her alone. Sam didn't show up in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th period. I never been so worried. That was until i went to the bathroom, throwing some water on my face. I heard moaning and i rolled my eyes..But the moans sounded so familiar, i walked up to the stall. Banging on the door, it was sam and...JACK?!!? WHAT THE FUCK?

I gasped and sam ran out the bathroom, i clenched my jaw, staring at jack. He was shirtless and hid his body, awkwardly smiling. I knotted up my fists, wanting to punch the fuck out of him. I acted like i was gonna hit him and i threw my fist against the stall and walked out. It was lunch time, i couldn't believe sam. Why him..i thought she was different..But i have no room to talk shit.

I saw sam sitting with jack, i was pissed. I went up to there table, throwing my food on jack. Sam got up and jack gasped, "What the FUCK Deena?!?" Sam shouted. I cut her off, "What you're fucking around with him now?!!!" She smirked, "I mean you seem to fuck around with kate all the time so what's the difference?" Everyone was staring. "You told me you both were just friends!!" I told her. "Oh yeah? Well i thought the same for you and Kate, I told you we were over Deena. Do you not understand what that means??? I mean you were raised by a sloppy alcoholic and no mother so its understanding."

Jack interrupted, "Wait..Sam you're gay?" I widened my eyes, "Don't talk shit about my family sam. You don't know anything about me." Sam looked down. Jack interrupted again, "Sam- Are you gay?" Sam looked at him with crazy eyes, "What??!! N-no!!" Hw was confused, "Then what is she talking about?" I cleared my throat, chuckling. "What you are just gonna deny it now?? Cool." I walked off and sam just stood there.

I went to the gym bathrooms, locking myself in there—crying. I can't believe her. I mean after everything i meant nothing to her?? What have i done. This is all my fault. I heard knocking on the doors, i covered my mouth. Trying to not let them hear me crying, whoever it was. I heard a familiar voice from behind it, "Deena?" I opened the door, it was sam. Again.

Hey guys, sorry these past few chapters have been so so boring, i do apologize!! I hope you all are enjoying "stalker" so far. <3

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