part 17

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*PLEASE READ* Hey guys!! Thank you so much for all of the support recently on my story..especially since this is my first one i've ever made! i love and appreciate you all <3 and with that being said, here is a update :) enjoy reading


August 31st, 1993
Deenas pov:

I woke up to the sunlight beaming in my face. I groaned and looked over, sam was facing the wall. Her body curled up in a ball, i smiled and shook her a bit. She groaned, "Baby." I told her, she hummed in response, "It's time for school.." I exclaimed.

She finally turned over to me, moving closer to me. I chuckled softly, she attacked my neck and began giving me small kisses. I smiled and sighed softly, i shut my eyes. Her soft strawberry colored lips on my olive skin never felt better.

She did this for a few minutes, "Okay okay" I pushed her off a bit, "We are gonna be late." I told her. She sighed, "Why don't we skip?" I looked at her, tilting my head, "We always skip." She rolled her eyes playfully, "Fine" We both got up and changed, once i was done changing i turned around and sam was still putting her clothes on. She had a bra on and was trying to get her shirt on the right side.

I went up to her and put my arms around her torso, her skin got goosebumps to my touch. she gasped softly and then smiled. I moved her hair from her shoulder, putting every strand of her hair on her other shoulder. I began kissing her shoulder, then her collarbone, we swayed. She giggled, "Mm that feels nice." She told me, i couldn't help but pool in my panties, her voice was so soft..So beautiful. I hummed in response.

"We better get to school hm?" She asked. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and slowly removed my hands from her skin, her body was just so soft and appealing. I let her get dressed and i went downstairs, i forgot that Kate and Simon stayed the night.

"Hey lady killer." Kate told me, i smirked "So josh, you've been eating my best friend?" He choked on his orange juice, Kate looked to the side. Simon laughed, "Im fucking with you." I told them, i grabbed my bag and Sam walked out she was wearing my clothes because she forgot to pack some, i smiled. My clothes were a little big on her since i liked baggy stuff, but she looked cute.

She smiled, shut my bedroom door and stood by me. Kate smiled, "You guys are so cute." Kate told me, Simon agreed, "I've seen you this happy johnson." I rolled my eyes and Sam looked down. I held her hand. We are taking the bus, you two want to tag along? Kate asked. I shook my head, "No me and sam are going in my car." They nodded. They headed to the bus and me, sam got in my car.

The car ride to school was silent, we arrived at school and sam was about to get out the car. "Hey wait" She looked at me, "Mhm?" She asked. "Are you okay?" i was worried.. "Yeah, just don't feel too good." She told me. I nodded, we got out of the car and walked to first hour.

I've never done this but time-skip to 4th hour.

Deenas Pov:

Me and sam had a pretty chill conversations, I'm guessing she had a headache..She had her head done most of 1-3rd period. But she told me her headache was gone and she felt better, our 4th period was science, me and Sam's desk was together so we were partners for everything. The front of our desk was covered so you could only see us, not our feet.

Me and sam got to science and sat down, we were finishing our conversation from last period. Once we sat down the bell rang, we were almost tardy.

"Okay class so today we are going to be having a quiz on last weeks pre-view on the test that's Friday, i'm gonna hand you these papers and you can get started when i come to you..Understand? Okay good because i'm not repeating myself. Get started." Mr.Weldon told us, i groaned. I hated pop quizzes, or any tests at all. Sam on the other hand loved them, she had all A+ so i wasn't really surprised.

Mr.Weldon got to our table and handed us the papers, sam got a pencil out and got started. I didn't have one so i just sat there. Sam looked at me, "Do you need a pencil?" She whispered. "No talking." Mr.Weldon said. She looked back at me and i nodded. She gave me hers and got a new one out for herself.

I just scribbled on my paper and i looked at Sam up and down, i couldn't pay attention to my test but her. She caught my eye and i looked at her lower. She was wearing a shirt that she had in her locker, it was short..Really short.

She bit her lip, startled a little bit wondering what i'm looking at and why. I licked my lips and looked back at my test, i heard her breath hitch. I looked at her again, i smirked. I put my pencil down and slowly got under the desk when Mr.Weldon wasn't looking. She looked at me confused, "What are you doing?" She asked. I crawled over to her, putting my hands on her thighs, squeezing them.

She gasped softly, looking under the desk at me.. Looking confused. I separated her thighs, just a bit, she widened her eyes. "Are you crazy??! Not right now!" "Hey i said no talking!" Mr.Weldon said, sam looked up immediately and i heard her writing on her test, fast. I began kissing her inner thighs, she tried to close herself on me and i pushed them back immediately, holding them painfully.

I got a little closer to her upper thighs, i unzipped the  skirt zipper slowly, she began breathing heavily. I felt her legs starting to bounce from excitement. I got closer to her and put my tongue on her lower skin. I heard her writing quickly, i heard soft muffled moans coming from her.

I still had my tongue there, but i used my finger to  circle her clit slowly, she shouted out. "Can i use the bathroom?" I backed up and zipped her pants.. Getting worried myself. "Quickly." Mr.Weldon told her. She got up immediately and darted out the door. I smirked and got up back to my seat, "What were you doing under there?" Mr.Weldon asked me, "Oh i dropped my pencil." I told him, he nodded.

About five minutes past, sam still wasn't back yet. I began bitting my nails until my phone buzzed, no one heard thankfully. I checked my phone, it was a text from sam.

Meet me in the bathroom, right now.

                                                                   You got it.

I turned my phone off and raised my hand, "Mr.Weldon may i use the restroom?"

Hey, the next update will be continuing this part.. I couldn't finish this because i'm busy at the moment, i'll update hopefully later! :)

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