part 2 (2/2)

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hey!! this might be my last update for a few days, i have been very busy with school! i hope you can understand! my next update will be sunday, monday at the latest? not sure.. enjoy!

sams pov;
I followed deena to the library. "This is gonna be fun." I told her as she was walking in front of me, "Totallyyy." Deena hissed. I shook my head, wondering when her shell would break already, "Are you mad at me or something?" She laughed and looked back at me, stopping in the middle of the hallway, "How could i be mad at you when i dont even know you?" I bit my lip, getting a little annoyed that she was being so rude. "I-i dont know i just feel like you-" Deena cut me off, "Like i what." I shook my head, "Nothing. Forget it, Lets just get this over with." Deena gave me a fake smile, "Gladly."

We both walked to the library, deena sat in the back of the library i followed her. I sat down, putting my books down on the table. "We done yet?" Deena groaned, "We just started??" Deena rolled her eyes. "How about we skip instead?" I cleared my throat, "Excuse me?! Are you crazy?!" Deena scoffed, "What you too scared?"

I didnt want her to think i was scared, but i didnt want to not hang out with her...So why not? "N-no..We'll go." Deena flashed me with a shocked look, "Really?" I got up, putting my bag over my shoulder, licking my chapped lips. "Lets go, Johnson." I walked out the library, waiting for her. She was as red as a tomato coming out. I looked at her, "Lead the way." She nodded and went to the nearest exit by the library.

We left and she went to a car, i followed her—"What are you doing?" Deena looked at me, "What do you think?? Skiping." She got in the car by the old school parking lot, i hesitated then got in the car. We both started laughing and deena turned up the music, creep by radiohead coming on. My favorite song, i began singing the lyrics until she snapped me out of my gaze.

"You know this song?" I nodded, "One of my favorites." She smiled, "Me too." I stopped for a second, the way i have never seen her smile until now. How beautiful her teeth were, how her lips were parted. I wanted to kiss her, i couldnt stop starting into her eyes. I soon snapped out of it and she was looking at me weird, "You okay?" I nodded "Yeah! No yeah im-im good." I

looked out the window, embarrassed. It was a few more minutes of silence, "Hey we are gonna go to my girlfriends house if thats cool." I looked at her, "Girlfriend?" She looked at me back, while watching the road. "Yeah??...Is that okay?" I nodded immediately, "Yeah..Yeah. Cool." I looked out the window again, biting the inside of my cheek. Wondering who this girl could be..Why it wasnt me.

We pulled up at deenas girlfriends house, i followed deena, deena knocked on the door and the door opening to the smell of weed. I began coughing in my throat, my eyes watering wondering who the hell is this girl. Deena hugged a girl who i thought was a friend until they kissed. I looked away, scoffing.

Deena looked at me, "Sam, this is Riley, Riley, this is Sam. My friend." I looked at deena, i never knew i'd even be a friend to her. My cheeks turning into a hot pink. I smiled. Riley gave me a dirty look, "Nice to know. Now cmon you two." She invited us to sit on the couch with her, deena sat on her lap, i sat next to deena. I starting playing with my hands, trying to ignore how bad it smelled like weed and alcohol.

A couple of hours went by of just sitting on riley's couch while deena and riley were in the other room making out. I sighed, looking at the time. Seeing that i should have been home a hour ago. I got up and went to riley's door and knocked on it. No answer, but instead moans and kissing. I rolled my eyes and called a cab. I left a note in deenas jacket pocket "Went home." Then left riley's house and went home.

I got home to my mom standing infront of my house, i sighed and tried to get past her. "What the hell do you think your doing?" I looked at her, "What do you mean." She smelled my shirt, "What the fuck?! You stink!! Get in the shower. Where the hell have you been?!!" I pushed her off of me. "No where, just my friends thats all." I pushed her out of my way and went up stairs. Too tired to do anything. I layed down and went to sleep.

Hey! sorry i havent got to any good parts of my story yet.. very very busy schedule as i said at the top. Im gonna make one more chapter then take a break for a few days.. hope you can understand! <3

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