part 11

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Hey..Sorry i have been updating weird the past few days, i have been gaining and losing so much motivation.. this is continuing part 10, Enjoy reading <3

August 28th
Deenas pov:

Hours have passed of me and sam just laying in bed, dozing off and on..It was 5:05PM, i reached my phone and got a text from kate,

You still coming lady killer?
                                       Wouldn't miss it. See you in 20

I looked over at sam, she was curled up and sleeping. I shook her a little bit, trying to wake her. "Sam" she made a face, putting a pillow over her eyes to try and block out the sunlight. "Sam, are you wanting to come kate's little movie night?" She removed the pillow, smiling. She nodded, i nodded also and went downstairs to get josh. He was sitting on the couch waiting for me, i looked confused— he was wearing a nice black t-shirt, and some baggy jeans. He wet his hair a bit, wearing his watch.

I raised my eyebrows, sitting next to him, "Wow..You look-" He looked at me, "Stupid?" I shook my head immediately, "No! No you look good..For Kate I'm guessing?" He rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up deena." I chuckled, i went back upstairs to change. I noticed my bedroom door was closed..I left it open i thought? I opened the door and sam was changing, she was bending down, getting out of her shorts. She was wearing black underwear, i couldn't help but check her out.

I bit my lip, looking at her ass. I was froze in a way i hated, i wanted to just fuck her..I don't understand why i thought of her so sexually..It was getting out of control. But god she's so hot. I was completely in my gaze until i head my name, "Deena?.." I looked up and she was in jeans, i realized that she saw me staring. "Oh shit i uhm- sorry i just- I didn't know you were ch-changing." She chuckled, "It's fine."

I went in my room and shut my door, taking off my oversized t-shirt and shorts. I put on a flannel, with some cuffed jeans and my docs. Sam was covering her eyes so i could have sone privacy, she didn't want to leave the room so she stared at the corner. "You can look now" Sam looked back at me immediately..Smiling. I smiled back, "You ready?" She nodded.

We both walked down stairs, holding hands. Josh got up when he saw that we both were changed, "Finally for fucks sake." He told me. I gasped, "Heyy language!" He rolled his eyes and walked outside. Sam looked at me and we both smiled, shaking our heads. Me and sam soon got in the car and i drove to Kate's.

We arrived at her house soon, josh got out quickly. I rushed to sam's side, opening the door for her. We both giggled, and walked to her door. Josh rang the doorbell and we heard footsteps immediately. Kate opened the door and smiled, "Finally you losers decided to show up!" We smiled, Kate hugged josh. They hugged for about a minute, me and sam smirked. Kate rolled her eyes, "Come in?" We walked past Kate, josh ran up to Simon and sat by him. Me and sam sat by each other.

Kate handed out snacks and drinks to us, about 30 minutes past of us just drinking and talking. "Okay guys so before the movie we should play some games or something." We all nodded, "Any ideas?" Josh interrupted immediately, "Hide and seek?" We chuckled, "No" we all exclaimed.

Josh rolled his eyes, "Goldfish?" Simon cut him off, "No dude- we should play..Spin the bottle." Kate and simon looked at each other, kate smiled— "Fuck yes." Me and sam shook our heads, "That is so boring." I told her, Sam nodded in agreement. Kate raised her eyebrows, "Well do you have any other ideas?" I looked down, "That's what i thought. Spin the bottle it is!" Sam sighed, i looked at sam—she looked annoyed. But i couldn't blame her. Kate got up and grabbed a empty beer bottle. Putting it on the floor. We all sat down and Kate spined first, it landed on josh.

We all shouted, "Ooo" They rolled their eyes, kate cleared her throat and got closer to josh. Sam whispered, "This will be interesting." I nodded and began giggling. They both kissed, for about 2 seconds then pulled away. We all stopped, "No that was way too short-" Simon exclaimed. I nodded "WAYY TO SHORT!" Me and sam were just whispering to each other laughing. Sam didn't drink at all but i felt dizzy and i think i drank too much..

Kate rolled her eyes, "You know what- you're next Johnson. Show us what you got." I winked and spinned the bottle, it landed on sam. We both smirked and kissed, everyone was cheering—"OKAYY WOOO" i began laughing and sam kissed my cheek. A few more rounds went off and on, until one round that made me regret everything.

About 13 at least more rounds of spin the bottle passed. Kissing, kissing, and kissing. "Okay guys one more." Kate told us. We all chuckled, "My turn." Kate exclaimed, she spinned the bottle and it landed on me. We looked at each other, sam looked at both of us. Kate laughed, "i mean we did this before.." I laughed, "In like the 6th grade!!" She laughed, "Lets do it again." Sam looked confused, wondering what the fuck was going on. I got up, falling because of how dizzy i was, we all laughed. Sam didn't though, she looked clearly upset and i didn't even realize.

Me and kate went up to each other and connected our lips, tasting the beer in our mouths. Simon shouted, "YOU WHORES" We all laughed. I went to sit back down and i noticed sam wasn't there. I whispered, "Shit.." I finally realized that i just kissed kate in front of sam. I knew i was in deep shit.

Hey guys! Sorry this is very short, i am so tired and i have no motivation to finish this chapter, i will make a part two of chapter 11..Continuing it. But with sams pov, until next time :)

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