part 16

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Hey! Im updating again because yeah I'm bored but uh enjoy reading!

August 30th, 1993
Deenas POV:

- "What the fuck are you two doing?" Simon asked. Me and Sam looked at each other. Everyone began laughing, "Yeah yeah. Shut the fuck up." Sam told them, i couldn't help but chuckle myself. Sam never can keep her sloppy moans and whimpers down.

Once they were done laughing josh played the movie. Sam was so embarrassed she never took her head out of my neck, she was breathing heavily and always switching positions here and there.

She soon fell asleep and the movie was over. Kate and Simon wanted to stay the night, Simon slept in the guest room and Kate slept with josh. Once everyone went to their rooms, i woke up Sam. "Sam?" "Hmmm.." She mumbled, "It's time for bed." She nodded and finally took her face out of my neck, she looked around.

"Where did everyone go?" I chuckled softly, "they went to bed, now its our turn." Sam stretched and got up, i got up with her and we walked to my room. I forgot that i wanted to take a shower, especially since school was tomorrow. Sam took off her pants and layed down, she was wearing a over sized white t-shirt and her black laced underwear underneath.

She rolled over, patting the mattress asking me to join. "Wait i'm gonna take a quick shower, is that okay?" She groaned, "Hurry." I nodded and went over to give her a kiss on her nose. She blushed and i grabbed my clothes, making my way to the bathroom.

Once i opened the bathroom door i heard..Moaning? Coming from josh's room. I smirked and banged on his door, i heard gasps and shuffling under the covers I'm guessing. "What the fuck Deena!!" I heard Josh shout, "Hey keep it down in there will you?? I can hear you from my room." I told him, he didn't respond, i started snorting and shook my head. Going in the bathroom shutting the door behind me.

I took off my clothes and turned the shower on, putting my hand under the fossett until the water was hot and warm. I sighed of relief, i took out of my ponytail letting my hair fall to my shoulders, and got in the shower. I shut my eyes, the warm water touching my skin felt nice.

Sams pov:

I couldn't sleep, without snuggling Deena or knowing shes next to me felt so uncomfortable. I sighed and sat up, i heard the water running. Guessing that she was in the shower. I felt cold, and a shower sounded very appealing..Especially with Deena. I smiled and crawled out of bed, rubbing my eyes and making my way to the bathroom.

I didn't want her to hear me so i slowly opened the door, biting my lip hoping she isn't paying attention. I shut the door behind me, the hot air already making me sweat. I took off the white t-shirt she let me use, then my underwear. I slowly opened the curtain, her eyes were closed and she was just massaging her skin with the warm water that touched her skin so perfectly.

I slowly stepped in, taking my hair down and throwing it somewhere outside the curtain. She saw my shadow and turned around, her reflex's making herself almost punch me. She gasped and i flinched, "Jesus christ Sam..Fuck you scared me." We both became very aware of what we look like, we had never seen each other this way. We both were just admiring our skin.

Deenas pov:

I searched Sam up and down, the fog from the water making her barley visible but her skin flawless. Our hearts began beating out of our chests, almost taking my breath away. I don't know if it was the way her perky pink breasts sat so perfectly under her chest, or the way her hourglass torso made her skin look so appealing.

She got closer to me, "Pretty." She told me, she put her hands on my arms, admiring my olive skin. she was a bit taller than i was so i couldn't really see her face from the fog, she leaned down and kissed my lips softly. We both moaned in each others mouths, i put my hands on her lower back, squeezing her wet skin.

She reached down and picked me up by my thighs, i sighed of relief. Finally reaching her level, she pinned me against the wall away from the water and attacked my neck, i tugged at her strawberry blonde hair. She groaned softly, as i kissed her collarbone. "You're so hot." She told me, i skipped a few breaths. She squeezed my ass, i wrapped my legs around her torso, crashing into her lips.

I squeezed her shoulders, "I love you." I told her. She froze, 'Oh shit..Why did you say that? That wasn't at the right time Deena what the fuck?!' I told myself, she just stared at me. "You- You love me?" She asked. We shared eye contact, i nodded. She turned red, smiling softly. Her dimples showing, "i love you too." We giggled and we kissed again.

We made out for a few more minutes, some giggles and body wash bottles falling. We cleaned ourselves and soon the water got cold anyway.. We both wrapped ourselves in towels and made our way to my bedroom. I shut the door and turned around, Sam dropped her towel and was bending down putting on her spare pare of underwear that she left last time she stayed, her full bare ass was showing.

I bit my lip, 'Deena pull yourself together, just get dressed.' I told myself, i turned from her and took of my towel, putting my clothes on. Once i was done i turned back around and Sam was sitting on my bed with one leg over her other, she was staring at me smirking. I turned red and rolled my eyes, she smiled, "That was hot." I hummed in response. I picked up our towels and put them in my dirty laundry. I walked over to her, she pulled me by my waist and kissed me.

We giggled and decided to lay down since it was around 2am and we had school soon. I layed next to her and she snuggled my neck, i kissed her on the cheek and we stared at each other and drifted to sleep.

Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed chapter 16 of "Stalker" Let me know what you think about this chapter! Until next time <3

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